Suspicious Activity

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Author's note: I have epilepsy and this fic is near and dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy it!

You were on your way back from your pharmacy run. You buy something innocuous as well, this time toothpaste, to disguise why you really went to the drug store–to refill your prescriptions. You head back to Brendon's and knock on the door. He lets you in with a smile and a little kiss.

"Hey Y/n," he says "Where'd you sneak off to?"
"Had to get toothpaste," you reply.
"You know there was a full tube in the closet," he says, feeling bad that you went out just to get it.
"Oh, oops, I didn't know," you reply easily with a smile.
"Oh well, just one less thing to buy on the tour," Brendon says happily, kissing the top of your head. You smile up at him and go to your room, closing the door behind you.

You sorted your pills into each slot of your weekly box.

Three of these in the morning and night
One of those day and night too
One of that, but only at night
Two of the others, but only in the morning

Damn, you are one heavily medicated person. Whatever it takes to stay healthy, you guess it's worth it. You had never been on tour before, and you were so excited. It was your last couple days of packing up before you leave. You were nervous though. Your epilepsy usually flared up when you don't get enough sleep.

Brendon doesn't even know you have seizures. He's obviously noticed you take medication, but you're discreet about it and he never asks. You don't want him to treat you differently, or have him worry about you all the time. You're sure he would overreact. You had been with Brendon for a year now, and your epilepsy had been so well controlled, you haven't had a seizure in almost two years. It wasn't really important for him to know. Until now. Who knew if your epilepsy would remain under control in such a new environment. You worry the craziness of touring might mess with it.

Once you begin the tour, all of your worries fade away. Every show Brendon performs is like pure magic and it keeps you going. And the celebration sex? Mind blowing. You are so proud of Brendon. You watch him from off stage pretty much every show, usually with Zack, and unabashedly jam out. Zack stands by while he silently judges you, but you occasionally force him to join in. He's so tough looking, but he has a soft spot for you.

It's two weeks into the tour and you're getting exhausted. One night, you're less enthusiastic than usual back stage during the show. Zack nudges you with his elbow.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, yeah," you brush it off as convincingly as possible, "just tired."

The show ends and you make your way back to the bus. You climb into the bunk after putting on some pjs and you feel Brendon join you. He wraps an arm around you. You turn over to face him and he strokes your arm.

"Hey babe," he says, "how are you feeling? You seem like you're draggin."

Zack totally told on you. Damn him.

"I'm fine," you reply cooly, "not everyone is used to touring the whole goddamn world, ya know?" You laugh.

Brendon smiles and kisses you gently. "As long as you're okay..." Brendon trails off.

"Yes," you reply confidently, "and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." He leans in and kisses you again. His face then becomes serious.

"Get some sleep." He starts to move from the bunk but you grab his arm. He looks back at you surprised.

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