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Your P.O.V

You'd been in the same hospital bed for two weeks, two weeks. It was uncomfortable and the nurses made you eat something that reminded you of cardboard, but you had one pleasure. Something you always looked forward too, Kylo Ren, he came in every other day. But today he came in early, finding a nurse fighting to feed you the gunk they called food. Yes, you gained weight fast, but damn did it taste terrible. The nurse stopped, she was the head nurse, used to getting her way, but you didn't want to eat it. She thrust the bowl into his hands, muttering angrily "I won't do it! You do it! Use the force. Do anything! Just get her to eat!" Getting our the room and having a breather.

But he put the bowl down, sitting in his normal chair, "you should eat..." declaring, he seemed amused. Shaking your head and your mouth kept shut, he sighed "what can I do to convince you..?" He wasn't ruff or nasty, he didn't have the spoon in his hand, yes you can talk for a little. "Taste it, I want you to taste it, then see why I struggle.." he wasn't scary, even dressed in black like some bringer of death. That's when he raised his hand, you began to freak, backing yourself far away, he was gonna hit you, he was. But no, he was removing that helmet, almost sounded like it was depressurising. And your eyes widened when you saw that face, he was gorgeous, drop-dead gorgeous. Black messy hair, dark eyes and clean shaven. Chewing your lip. He picked up the spoon and tasted some, a knot between his brows formed and his eyes watered as he tried to suppress a gag. "It's lovely.." he lied trying to suppress the second gag before nodding "I'm gonna get you real food.." declaring clearly annoyed by the food.

Talking to a stormtrooper outside, something about easy food, porridge, maybe some soup. Not much chewing. They marched off and Kylo came back in, his mask was still off, but you just stared, maybe he'd remove the rest of the armour, show you what else he had....wait what? What is wrong with you?! Screaming at yourself internally. Faking a smile as he sat back down, "are you feeling any better?" Questioning quietly nodding and blushing, he was so tender, unlike everyone else. Why was he so tender?

It arrived, soup, it smelt lovely, sitting up, yes your wrists hurt but you didn't care, it was real food, all you wanted was real food. Smiling at you he blushed "you are desperate?" Nodding "two years I've waited for real food..." that was a painful memory, the day they brought you. But he held the bowl and dipped the spoon in, blushing he raised it to his lip blowing it gently then slowly moving it across to yours. "Should I pretend it's a Ti-Fighter?" He chuckles and began to mock there sound moving it to your lips and feeding you. You blushed but excepted the soup. It was better than the nurse's food. Finally, you finished, well you couldn't eat more, he luckily didn't make the sounds constantly. He turned silent, you enjoyed the silence, he placed the bowl next to your bed on the table.

"I'll come and fed you every day, I understand you don't enjoy the protein food..." sniggering you smirked, "I thought it was cardboard..." he seemed to enjoy this comment, and you did too. "The nurses say you're making promising progress, you'll be waking soon.." something hit you hard in the chest "if I'm walking where will they take me?" Something terrified you, maybe the rumours about the first orders torture methods. Maybe not seeing Kyle Ren again. He smiled a truthful smile, "You'll be training, under me.." that equally terrified you. "Under you?" Swallowing hard, "no not like under me, under my command, I'll be training you. You're very special, I want to make sure it's done correctly.."

~A Month Later~

"Commander Hux, the girl in the medical bay, Y/N, she's gone missing, we can't find her, currently we are scanning the camera's for her.." Hux frowned "why does this concern me?" The stormtrooper swallowed "we were hoping you would inform commander Ren..." Hux nodded dismissing them, heading to the bedroom, knocking on the door harsh, "kylo, I need to speak to you..." the door opened and he was stood there, helmet off, "what?" Snappy again, he had just been napping, he was going to head off and see you. "The girl, in the medical bay, Y/N." Ren nodded "what about her?" Hux braced himself "she's vanished, we are searching CCTV for her but no luck.." rage filled his face "have the rebels infiltrated again? Have they?" Almost screaming at Hux.

He was charging around for twenty minutes before he found you, standing at the first window you could find, maybe you where in a hospital gown, but it was so beautiful, the planets, it was gorgeous, so much green. "Y/N!" Snapping, "where have you been!?" He seemed angry, clearly annoyed but he couldn't help it, stress showed in strange ways. But he went to grab your wrist, you couldn't be help but yelp, pulling away, they hurt a lot, but you only took table painkillers now. His helmet still wasn't on, Snapping his hand away almost afraid of any damage he had caused. He looked more scared then you. "I apologise, my troops have been struggling to find've evaded a whole troop of stormtroopers.." shrugged "I didn't mean too, I thought something had happened, and you hadn't turned up yet, I was getting hungry, wanted some food. I went to look for the canteen but I found a window.." slowly he touched your wrist, "they said your wrist have stress fractures, probably from been chained up for a long time, how long?" Not now, you were having fun.

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