Knowing Fate

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Kylo P.O.V

It had been three days since she told my future, but she hasn't talked to me yet. Just eating the food I bring her, but she'd started to feed herself, and she was eating more. "What do you feel like eating?" She was sat on my bed, just staring at her lap, "they have stew or pie.." She was thinking, her thoughts were sealed off to me, they had since the event. "Can I have stew?" She questioned quietly, pulling my helmet on, and glancing back at her for a minute. She was in my robe, comfortable face in my pillow.

Successfully getting some stew without killing anyone, got her some bread. Opening my door she was watching me and smiled, handing her the bowl and sitting watching her. Her wrists were better, she could rip the bread, she seemed happy enough. "Ren?" Nibbling on some bread blushing "when will Snoke be here?" Her eyes glancing up at me, I saw it drain her the first time, this will be hard. "A commander told me he will be arriving in a couple hours.." she nods "I'm scared of what I might see.." declaring nervous.


What if I show something I didn't want too, I'd have to remember that for the rest of my life, it hurts when I do it, tires me. Ren doesn't make me do it, he trains with me, takes me to a fighting mat, showing me the next way to fight, I love it, he's so gentle to me, but sometimes I think he does things on purpose. When we practice he'll tackle me, pin me, stay and stare for a while before helping me up. When he had his tantrums, if I see him he hides it, putting his light sabre away and blocking me from seeing the damage. And some nights, when I'm restless, he pulls me on top of him, sits stroking my hair, sometimes when he thinks I'm asleep I feel him kiss my head.

But now a pounding at the door, "Kylo Ren, supreme leader Snoke wishes to see the girl. You better be appropriately dressed." Oh god this was it, the door opened and first Hux looked at me, but his eyes glanced at my breasts, he went red "oh erm, oh well!" He walked across to Kylo who didn't seem impressed with Hux's looking at my breasts. But Snoke stares at me as if he was seeing me for the first time, but he was probably trying to read my thoughts.

He stepped in and clothes the door, I could see Ren looking uncomfortable, I'd confessed my fear of being in a room full of men like this. "I want you to see my future.." holding out his shaking hands, and slowly your hands met him, feeling your eyes change and the burning beginning.


"How long have you been sleeping with her?" The sound was muffled but she heard some of it. "A few weeks, she enjoys it and grows more interested every time...." but kylo looked upset. "You know what you must do, the resistance is growing closer, they will get her, we can't have that. When she's asleep, finish her, we can't have her in their hands.." that's when kylo did it, got out his lightsaber, killing Snoke.


Dropping back into the bed, my eyes returning back to normal, looking up at that horrible man. "What did you see?" Trying to sit up panting "victory, over the rebellion..." terrified of telling the trouble. Hux seems pleasure but Snoke walked away letting the door slam, Hux and Ren looking at one another "whats his problem?" Kylo asked you rested in bed, getting comfortable. Hux looked across at you, "do you have other abilities?" Just shrugging "I have never known, sometimes things just happen.." Hux asked something out of nowhere "would you like to get dinner with me?" I though kylo was going to cut him in half.

Slowly shaking my head "no no, I've already agreed to have a meal with Kylo, it's polite since he's cared for me so well.." chewing your lip feeling kylo watch you carefully. Hux looked away feeling rejected, that's when Kylo locked the door, kneeling on the bed, leaning very close "I can't stop myself anymore.." pulling you so close, his breath hot against your skin.

A/N: would you like the next chapter as smut?

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