Chapter 1

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Seungkwan pov

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Seungkwan pov./January 26,2018/2pm

"Why did they let a pig join Seventeen?"
"Have you seen her stomach and her legs they are so fat"
"I thought she is beautiful at first, but when I met her in person she is so ugly"
"Why haven't she left Seventeen. They are better off without her."
"You should really leave Seventeen, ugly pig"

I look at the comments of the videos. Even our manager say we shouldn't read the hate comments . I can't help it, but read it secretly without the others and manager knowing it.

I sigh and closed my phone, lay down in my bed. The others are buying groceries since we're getting low of foods. That will give me more time to think. Why I'm the only one gets so many hateful comments while the others only have few hateful comments.

I started to cry just thinking about leaving them. I fall in love with them deeply. This feelings started when the making of Mansae. Apparently the girl that manager asked got sick. So manager picked me instead.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT SHE GOT SICK?!" I heard manager shouted causing me, Vernon, and Dino turn around to see manager shouting to one of the staff members.

"What going on?" I asked one of the cameramen.

"The girl we asked got sick" He said.

"Thank you for telling" I said with a smile. The cameraman nodded and walk away.

"Why our manager look very angry?" I heard Seungcheol asked. I look at my back to see the others walking toward us; the maknae line.

"Apparently the girl they asked got sick" I said. They have their mouth in an 'O' shape.

One of the Staffs walk toward us and gave me the bag that have my clothes that I'll wear. I smiled at the staff and went to the changing room.

I opened the bag and put on the clothes. I look at the mirror to check myself. The clothes is just simple.

 The clothes is just simple

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