CHAPTER 7 6 Steps to a Successful Homeschooling

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"All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education." ― Walter Scott

The defining factor of a successful homeschool is for the parents to identify what they really want for their children, for their family, what they dream of them in the future. I know it really sounds superficial, but it is true, that as long as you never experience the thing, you'll never know.

And if I will remember my entire journey with my husband and kids, success in homeschooling can be simplified in six steps based on our homeschooling experience, and I will show it to you one by one.


The first steps really is, begins with a DREAM having a VISION. Everybody dreams, everyone wants to have more, be more, do more, no exception even kids have dreams. They dream of becoming a superhero, they dream of having a lot of things.

Being selfish at times, they dream of having all their parents time and attention, especially nowadays that time is the most expensive commodity in the world.

When I was in Elementary, I dream of becoming super wealthy, since my family doesn't have much, buying project and textbooks is a bit struggle. Queuing in a long line of getting temporary permit in high school, my heart always thinks of abundance, and I think that's what most people wanted to be.

Do not listen to those people who say money isn't everything but their words are different from their actions. Sending their children to high paying international schools, having vacation and buying expensive things while their debts are filing. Actions should be aligned with your words because our children will not follow our advice but our example.

Yes, money isn't everything but either poverty and lack of resources, especially if you have a family to take care of, as a mother we should always dream of giving our children all the time and all the things they need and we cannot give that unless we have an abundance mentality.

Dream, and when you dream, dream big. Because our children will feel that. When my eldest is still in public school, he failed the grade one entrance exam since he is in a SPED program, his classmates are all well supported by their parents.

And during that time I don't have all the luxury of time in the world, being a single working mother, thinking all the debts that my husband and I created, I was not able to guide him. Good thing one of his teachers saw the potential in him. And they still accepted him for grade one SPED program.

On the start of the school year, I told him out of embarrassment to the teacher who believes in him; I wanted him at least to part of the honor roll at the end of the school year. He never fails me. That's when I realize, in our life, there are no limitations. That sometimes the only obstacle and limitation is our own belief and mindset. From that day on, no turning back, now, we study together, we cry together, we research together and the most important of all we dream together.


Competition nowadays is very important, reaching our goals there are a lot of obstacles. My goal for this book is to inform all the parents, especially the mother that our children are really the future of the world.

That if we wanted to contribute something, our children should be our number one priority. They will be the one who will lead us in our old age. I visualize it every time. That is why I want to equip them for life.

I remember in college, my mother told me that I could not continue my studies because we cannot afford it anymore. But my goal at that time is to finish college, find a good job and save so that in the future I can support them and myself well.

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