CHAPTER 4 Getting Started is Easier Than You Think

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''It is easier to build strong children than to repair a broken men.'' -- Frederick Douglass

How Do I Start Homeschooling?

New to homeschooling? Although the idea of homeschooling can be overwhelming, know that you can do it. Learning takes place all the time, and just as your child learned to walk and talk with you as their teacher, they can continue to learn at home in a relaxed, loving environment. If you are considering homeschooling but are unsure where to begin, here are some tips to help you get started.

Read about homeschooling

Initially, when I started to homeschool my children, I did a lot of reading and research. The Internet is the best place to start, but be careful because with the abuse of information nowadays, you might get overwhelmed, stressed and frustrated just by reading all the information on the net.

One at a time, every time you feel yourself asking a question then just search for your specific question. Don't over-inform yourself that you might feel scared and have the fear that you might not be qualified to do it. As I discover later on, as a parent especially a mother, it is innate to us to teach our children; we are born a natural teacher.

Know what is the initial requirements needed

There are several requirements needed if you want your child/children to be homeschool. First and foremost, of course, one parent should be stay at home parent. Though the main concern of some parents is if they are qualified to teach their kids, especially if they are not college graduate or degree holder.

But proven that parent who wants to homeschool their children don't need to have an impressive educational background. To succeed in homeschooling research have shown that parents with only a high school education or less can do a good job as those with advanced degrees, or education degrees.

Sometimes the willingness and the desire to provide better environments for our child/children is one way to be qualified to be better homeschool parents.

Look for a homeschool provider within your area, they know more about the requirements needed to homeschool your child/children. They will provide you all the necessary information, and they can guide you how to start.

Look for a homeschool community in your area

In my free e-book, I mentioned different homeschool providers. But those homeschool providers are not enough if you really wanted your child to well verse and expose in a homeschool environment.

Look for a community in your area, a family that is also doing homeschooling. Either you join an existing homeschool community, or you can start and create your own community. By means of this, you can exchange ideas with other homeschool parents. You can create your own program and activity. Socialization will never be a problem.

You can also join a local homeschool co-op, support groups of like-minded homeschooling moms in your city, online homeschooling groups, and online homeschooling communities. No two homeschooling experiences are exactly alike, but you can learn a lot from homeschooling parents who have been there and done that.

Decide on what approach or method you want to use to your child/children

Just like parenting styles, homeschooling has different methods and approach. Sometimes thinking parenting is a trial and error thing, that is why part of this book will give you an overview of what methods to use.

Nowadays this saying is famous "Don't reinvent the wheel, just realign it. Because sometimes, no need to do new things, just follow those methods which are already useful and successful. Here is a brief overview of the common homeschooling methods.

Traditional method — Your homeschool would be set up just like a public school with a complete curriculum and traditional grading system. It's just like a traditional school, but at home.

Classical education method — The basis of this Christian homeschooling method is based on author Dorothy Sayers' well-known essay, The Lost Tools of Learning. The Well-Trained Mind is a great resource for exploring this method.

Charlotte Mason method — British educator, Charlotte Mason developed a three-pronged educational approach centered around atmosphere (home environment), discipline (good habits) and life (teaching living thoughts and ideas). This is one of the more popular homeschooling methods.

Montessori method — You've probably heard about Montessori preschool, and the same concepts from Dr. Maria Montessori translate into homeschooling, too. The Montessori method is based on the idea that learning is a natural, self-directed process.

Eclectic method — An eclectic homeschooling family takes bits and pieces from a variety of different methods to form their own homeschooling philosophy.

Unschooling — In recent years, unschooling (child-led learning) has become a more common approach to homeschooling.

The good news is that you can use any of the method mention base on your child's potential. My family started with eclectic method especially when they are still young, and I still don't know where to start.

As a librarian, I get bits and pieces of information on the internet. From reading to writing to simple math, that was when I discovered how powerful homeschooling is through the use of internet materials. That children have their own pace of learning depends on their gift and potential.

Attend seminars and events about homeschooling

If you are really serious to homeschool your child/ children, there are a lot of training and seminar about homeschooling all year round, try to check within your area. Use the internet and do some research. Little by little as you join a group of community and started to embrace homeschooling, everything will be revealed to you.

Check online group and ask your homeschool provider if you have one. In my free-ebook, I mentioned some homeschool provider you can ask them one by one how to enroll and how to start if you are interested to homeschool your child.

Pray about it

Way back I've read about this post, about a parent who went public school, and then they try to homeschool their children and they received a lot of reactions with their family and friends. Then it all came back how we started homeschooling our children.

Blank face and funny faces are what we receive with family and friends. Until recently that they saw what advantage my children have and how my family is really enjoying each other without pressure. And now they started to consider homeschool to their children as well.

Then I realize how God led us to this kind of path. During those times when we don't know what to do with our children, I and husband really pray hard about it. Well, it's not really all a bed of roses. There were times where my husband and I argue a lot.

Questioning if we are doing the right thing for our children. But it's true, faith is something that you cannot see but rewarding in the end.

Pray for your family and your children, it's the best thing that we can do. Now when I think about our lives as a homeschooling family, I am thinking about parents and family who missed the advantage of homeschooling.

God has led us to homeschool, and I am so thankful because I don't want to miss one single moment of my sweet daughters' childhoods. If God is calling you to homeschool, know that He wants to pour out more blessings on you than you can imagine.

Ignore what the critics are saying. Open your hands and your heart and embrace the gifts God is giving you.

"I homeschool my children not to prepare them for tests, but to prepare them for life."― Tamara L. Chilver

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