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I have three kids, and all of them were taught at home through primary school and over those 10 years, I learned a lot in God's grace. As I grew my faith, I learned to embrace anything that life brings me and throw in front of me, and homeschooling is one of them.

Now that I have a bank of experiences and observations of what homeschooling looks like in the primary years I believe it's about time to share it with the world around me. It's my only way of giving back as I may say.

In this book, I have tried to include ideas and resources that I know have been successful to me, my children and for many homeschooling families. However, remember that home education is an individualized training.

While my suggestions are a good starting point but still you have to know your child/children best potential including their strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. You can create your own plan as you go on and decide to continue doing it especially if you've seen how effective it is to your child/children.

My strategy is only a handful of resources available to homeschoolers. However, I have been homeschooling for many years now, I have found that having a concrete plan, to begin with, helps shape what homeschooling looks like and makes it doable. From that point, and with a little research it works for me, and you as a homeschool parent can decide what works for you and your kids.

If you are new to homeschooling and your children have been taken out of school, then I urge you to take it easy on yourself. Learn how to teach at home and try to forget the school model as much as possible. Give yourself time to adjust to this new way of educating. Read and co-learn with your child and enjoy the benefits of increasing your own knowledge and wisdom.

Allow your child to un-educate and get used to thinking for themselves rather than being told what to learn. Gradually increase their resources and begin to try to implement some of the new ideas you will read in this book.

Assessing our children abilities are all different, but sometimes we are persistent with the tyranny of comparison.

I encourage you to look at your child with new eyes. Work on their strengths and weaknesses and make progress for them. Please don't avoid what is hard for them but gently and thoughtfully work out how to address the challenges that are before them. God bless your homeschool journey!

June 2007

How homeschooling saved my children and me.

You've probably found your way to this book from my blog, or maybe a friend passed it along to you. Either way, I'm happy you're here.

I wrote these beginners guide for homeschooling because when I was in a time of desperate need, not too long ago, God gave me the wisdom to start this journey that I never thought will be the reason to unlock my gift, as a mother and as a teacher in my own rights.

Not only did it help me realize that my belief is the only obstacle that stops me from unlocking my full potential as a mother and as a teacher. And it opened my eyes to this world of Internet and the opportunities that it can create to my children and me and all the people around me.

This book is my way of giving back to all of the fortunate things that have happened to me ever since I've started homeschooling my children. This book is a guide, and the purpose of this guide is to do just that -- to guide you.

I hope that this will give you a good foundation as you design your own homeschool program. It is meant for you to be dragged around to suit your needs.

Bless and be blessed.

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