Chapter Two

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I grinned, grabbing the microphone from whoever was handing it to me, I think he said his name was Ben, and walked on stage.

"Hello!" I said happily, looking at the judges.

"Hello, whats your name?" Simon said, and I smiled at him.

"Lexi Bradley." I said, holding my mic up and then letting it go down when I didn't need it. They asked a few questions, all of which I answered apparently well, because I was getting laughs out of the crowd and the judges.

"Well, you seem well liked." Lou said, and I grinned.

"Indeed, it's cause I'm cheeky." I said, winking.

"Well, what are you going to sing for us?" Simon smiled, and I grinned.

"How about  Waddaya Want From Me, by Adam Lambert." I said, hearing the music start to play as I sang my heart out, and Simon stopped me with a smile on his face.

"Well, it's safe to say that we like you, and the crowd likes you." Simon said, and the crowd cheered, making me grin.

"Thank you." I said, winking. 

"I think its a yes, and I would say that everyone else would agree with me." Lou said, making me blush a bit. 

"Welcome to the X-Factor!" Simon said, and I jumped up and down. It was a rash decision to do this, and I hadn't really cared much, but now I can't help but be overly excited and race off stage with the biggest smile on my face. 

I hugged my mum tightly, grinning and hopping up and down, so happy I was doing this. I can't believe they liked me. They really liked me.


"OH MY GOD RUTH SHUT UP." I yelled back, covering my face and groaning.

"Get up. You have to go see Harry, don't you?" She said, and I smiled, racing into my bedroom to grab some different clothes.

"Are you changing? What for?" Ruth said, walking into my room as I tugged my pants off.

"I am not going to visit them with leather pants on." I said, shaking my head and pulling on a leather skirt instead. It always made my ass look fantastic, so I wanted to wear it.

"Are you really wearing that?" Ruth questioned. I nodded, walking over to my snake in his big tank and pulling him out. He automatically wrapped his way around my arms and rested on my shoulder. 

"Momma's going to miss you baby Bones." I mumbled, kissing the top of his head and sliding him back into his tank.

"I hate leaving him home." I complained, pulling my pink pumps back on and making sure my blonde hair was still perfectly wavy.

"You can't take a snake around the world." 

"I don't see why not. It's not like he eats very much or very often. I would only need to drop by a pet store every once and awhile." I said, sighing and grabbing my phone and heading towards the door. My keys were in one hand and I had money tucked in my bra just in case.

"Out." I said, motioning for Ruth to get out of my flat.

"Wow. You're mean." She mumbled, and I shook my head.

"No, I have somewhere to be."  I said, looking at my long, tan legs as we walked to the elevator. I locked my flat after we left, shooing Ruth ahead of me so I wouldn't find her in my flat once I got back. 

"Are you taking your car?" Ruth asked, and I nodded.

"Hell yes. That car is my other baby." 

"Bones is your first?"

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