[0] First day

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You roll over in your bed, the sun beaming through the window. Someone taps your shoulder, "Get up." You roll over and groan, "no." The foot steps went away for a few seconds but returned in less than a minute. The next thing you know you hear,  "YOU KNOW I WISH THAT I HAD JESSIE'S GIRL. I WISH THAT I HAD JESSIE'S GIRL." You throw your pillow over your head, "Go away." He groans, "fuck it." throwing up his arms. He grabs you by your ankles and pulls you out of your bed. "Fuck." You groan and rub your butt. "You're an asshole, Tozier." You say, changing your clothes. "I try, sweet cheeks." You roll your eyes and toss a white "Romantics" ringer shirt at him. "The clothes i've got are fine." You laugh, "If you consider covered in stains from last night's party 'fine'." He gave in and changed into your shirt.
You both go downstairs to see Stan, Ben, and Mike camping out in your living room. They were covered in crumbs, left over pizza, popped balloons, and fallen streamers. You smirked and turned on your boom box. The sound of Kelly Marie playing sent Mike flying out of his sleeping bag and Stan roll off the sofa onto a sleeping Ben. They all groaned loudly. "Morning lads." Richie bowed.
Bill came out of the kitchen with his arms full of plates. You rushed over, caught half the plates, and set them on the table. Eventually, the guys camping out got up and went to eat breakfast. Eddie was the last to wake up. He got hugged as soon as he came down the stairs.
You all ate eggo's and afterward  they split up to get their stuff from their houses.  Meanwhile a wild Richie rode to school with you.
As you arrive, you drag Richie to the storage closet in the back of the school. You lock the door, "I've got a surprise for you." "Way ahead of you, sweet cheeks." He leans into kiss you but you grab him by the nose and hold up a pack of Marlboro's with a lighter. You smirk and light one up. You take a drag and stick it in his mouth. The rest of the guys arrive at school looking around for you.
You both share the cigarette. You talk about the party last night until the cig is gone. He reaches for the door handle and you grab his shoulder,  turning him around. "Are you free this weekend?" He grins and wiggles his eyebrows, "Finally asking me out aye? I knew you couldn't resist all this." You laugh, "that's beyond the point, Tozier." "So I was right." He puts his arm around you, "Beep beep Richie." He shuts up, "it's my birthday and I want to, you know, have a party." "That's my girl." He points double finger guns at you. You roll your eyes, "the closest I'd be is your in-law when I smash your sister." He laughed, "you'd still be mine." "you're a pig." "I'm your pig." You pull his arm off and go to class.
After class, you all agree to go to Richie's house to play video games. You head to your house and change your clothes (blue high waisted jeans, a sleeveless black turtle neck, and red chuck taylor's). You ride to Richie's house and yell, "Honey I'm home." He sweeps you up from behind, dips you, and tries to give you a kiss. You turn so he catches your cheek. "Can't I catch a break?" You smirk, "never." and roll out of his grip. You race to the stairs screaming, "Last one up gets the snacks." You and Richie run up the stairs. You make it up there first but he tackles you and you both fall on his bed. "I didn't know you were a top, sweetie." Grinning ear to ear with his hands on your hips. "Well." You hear someone clear their throat. "Should we stay or go?" "S-stay!" You rolled off him onto your feet. Blushing you go downstairs to get the snacks.
The guys take turns playing Karate Champ. You and Richie went face to face during it and you kicked his ass surprisingly. He flipped when you won but stated, "You can make it up to me, honey buns." Wiggling his eyebrows. You squeeze his nose playfully, "in your dreams."
Some of the guys head home. You say you're gonna stay over which he doesn't mind. You try to get Bill to stay too but he says he's got homework. "Homework on the first day?" He agrees, stuttering a little more than usual but you don't think about it too much.
After the guys leave, you and Richie head upstairs to his room. "So, where am I gonna sleep?" He lays on his bed, leaning on one arm, "with me, of course." He smirks. "Nice try, lover boy." "Well I tried." He gives you a sleeping bag and you both go to sleep.

Wow okay that went better than I expected. Sorry for the slow beginning. It gets way better though. I'm gonna post another chapter probably more tonight. It just depends if I'm awake enough.

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