The Stranger in Jump City

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Raven's P.o.v

It was normal day in Jump City, and when I mean normal, I mean fighting crime with my fellow teamates.

The Teen Titans.

I'm Raven, one of the memebers of this team. I'm half-Azarathian and half-demon, I can use magic spells, I can fly and, levitate stuff with my mind. My teamates are Robin, sidekick of Batman, a great martial artist, and our leader. Starfire, she's an alien from the planet Tamaran, has incredible strength, can fly, and can shoot starbolts from her hand and eyes. Cyborg is a human/robot, and I mean that he has parts of a robot, but his mind is human, like his sense of humor and feelings, and his an expert on high technology. Last, but not least, Beast Boy, he can morph to any animal that existed in this planet and yet exist, he also turned to one of the "dogs" that lives in Tamaran, and his jokes are very terrible if I say so myself.

Anyway, right now we were fighting the H.I.V.E. Five that consist of six people. Yeah it's stupid, but they say that it fits. They, are Gizmo, a kid that is perceptive with machines, but he is dorky. Mammoth is a big, yet brutish guy that the only thing he do is crush things. Billy Numerous, and as his name implies, he can multiply himself as many as he wants, but there's a limit. Kyd Wykkyd, he has demonic aura, but he seem to childish. See-More, his helmet has an eyeball in the middle that can be used as seeing more than meets the eye, and can make objects with his eyeball. Lastly, Private H.I.V.E., he has this hexagonal shield with logo of the H.I.V.E., he doesn't look like much, but he looks like a hero one of the movies that they say that is the opposite of ours, except he is a villain.

Back on track, I was dealing with Kyd Wykkyd, throwing him some crates from the market's truck and he was dodging by teleporting until I gave him a little surprise.

Raven: "Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS!" As I said my chanting, my body became all black, and then I disppeared. Kyd was trying to find me with his dark powers, but mine, were more advanced. I was wondering in the shadows, and was moving from behind. Then, black tentacles appeared from every side of him. He looked around trying to find a way to escape, but his powers were suppressed. Many eyes, white eyes appeared everywhere he looked, a birds cry was heard, a talon appeared and grabbed him, and pulled him into the darkness. I appeared seconds after that, and I knew that he wouldn't be scared of the darkness, but the tentacles and talons will make him go unconscious.

I turned around to see how the fight was going, Robin was dealing with Private H.I.V.E. Beast Boy was being played by Billy Numerous, but I know he can figure it out by his own. Starfire, was still throwing starbolts to See-More. And, Cyborg was fighting with Mammoth and Gizmo. An idea came to my head, so I went and exploit my plan.

Raven: "Beast Boy, go help Cyborg with Mammoth. I'll deal with Billy Numerous."

Beast Boy: "Why do you want me to do that?" I got a little irritated by him. 'Isn't it obvious?' I thought he might get it, but he still look dumbfounded.

Raven: *Sigh* "Is because I can take them all at once, and hold him in a sphere. When they try to multiply, they'll be stuck inside of it." He had this 'Ohhhhh, now I get it' face. He then left me and went straight to Mammoth with his mammoth form. 'That seems like Beast Boy will make a stupid joke about it.' I thought and I knew i would dislike it.

I turned to Billy Numerous and there were no more than fifty of him surrounding me.

All Billy: "Haha, try and guess who is the real on." This irritated because i wasn't up for his idiotic game, but I got my confidence face on and crossed my legs while flying, and closed my eyes. "W-what are you doing?" He sounded afraid.

Raven: "Azarath..." every Billy was grabbed by the waist. "...Metrion..." They all were pulled to each other and a sphere was forming around them. "ZINTHOS!!!" I opened my eyes, and they were white. The sphere was finished, every Billy were saying to let them go, and it looked like a bowling ball. I made the sphere roll in the air and let it go so it can roll to Mammoth.

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