Chapter 4: Post-lighting Life

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Pale orange and pink clouds bordered the horizon over the sea, and leftover storm clouds were migrating further from Berk, still dark despite the sunrise. A black dragon silhouette cut through the colorful sky, flying away from the island, and growing smaller.

Despite the crisp morning air, the new sun warmed Hiccup's arms and face. He took in a deep breath of fresh air. Wind brushed against his cheek, and played with any hair sticking out from under his helmet. It should have filled him with exhilaration, but his gut twisted into knots because he did not plan to enjoy his usual morning flight with Toothless. No, he planned to go after the Skrill, and find it no matter what. He had no choice. If Dagur found it first...

A gust of air hit him from behind as a Deadly Nadder pulled up alongside Toothless. Hiccup adjusted his helmet, and glanced back at Astrid and Stormfly, then stared straight out in front of him.

"Where are you going?" Astrid asked.

Hiccup didn't reply.

Astrid didn't press him, but after a minute of silence she looked back over her shoulder. "You know, Berk is that way."

Hiccup looked down at his hands.

Frowning, Astrid said, "What are you up to, Hiccup?"

He avoided eye contact, frowned, and tensed. With a light kick to Toothless sides, the pair of them took off at the speed of sound.

"Hey!" Astrid shouted. She and Stormfly sped after them, but they were already a good ways ahead.

If Astrid knew he was going after the Skrill, Hiccup knew she would try to stop him. At first he considered making a mad dash for the open sea. Toothless could beat any dragon in a flat out chase. But if he kept going straight, Astrid would guess his motives, if she hadn't already, and track him to the nearest storm, where she would try to put an end to his mission. No, he had to use some trickery if he wanted to get her off his tail and find the Skrill.

Come on, Bud, he thought as he urged his Night Fury toward the clouds. Astrid and Stormfly stuck close behind him. As soon as he entered the glowing clouds, he hightailed it back towards Berk, leaning low over the saddle, feeling Toothless' wings beat faster and faster.

Astrid came to a sharp halt. The clouds surrounded her, a bright orange fog that blocked her view. "Where are you!" She shouted. She ducked beneath the clouds again.

Hiccup made sure he and Toothless stayed hidden while they flew in the direction of Berk. He looked back over his shoulder to check if he was being followed. No sign. He sat up a bit and Toothless slowed, and eventually they both stopped, hovering in place to wait.

The clouds were much thinner there. Hiccup flew higher, and backed up to where they would be concealed better.

Lost her. Hiccup smiled. He rubbed Toothless' head, turned him around, and set out again to search for the Skrill.

"Gotcha!" Astrid cheered as Stormfly flew right up in front of them.

"Blat! Husocho?" Hiccup gasped. He tried to steer Toothless around her, but she blocked his way.

"Thanks for staying still. It helped my tracker class dragon to find you better," Astrid smiled.

Hiccup scowled.

"This is about the Skrill, isn't it?" She guessed, voice gentler. "You still want to find it."

He opened his mouth to speak, but changed his mind. Of course he still wanted to find it.

Post-Lightning Hiccup: A 'View to a Skrill' RewriteWhere stories live. Discover now