Chapter 6 (~WTF~)

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Destiny's POV

"Why the fuck are they here they are gonna sabatoge everything"I ask I'm completely pissed off why did Alex come he so fucking persistent I don't get why Carmen hasn't gotten rid of him .she said her cousin needed him alive for now but I don't know what for ,to sabatoge something me and Carmen have worked very hard for. I even left anakin so that he wouldn't get hurt but he is just gonna ruin everything if he doesn't stop doing this shit. he obviously is pissing Carmen off too cause she got her gun out and scared the shit out of the other girls their faces where priceless .especially lesly's face I was about to laugh but then I noticed why Carmen told them to shut up nd duck so I didn't duck cause I was know that I'm supposed to be covering Carmen cause I'm surposed to be the one risking it but Carmen said that she would risk it nd I'd cover HER so that's what I'm doing considering that I'm getting more money than Carmen since suposably I'm the one risking it .its the least I can do

"Shit shit SHIT " Carmen started to mutter under her breath as she started to jog run towards the back of the McDonalds

"Carmen before You do something stupid nd finish him off call Hugo first "I tell Carmen cause if she finishes him off I think He has some info some really important info so before anything stupid happens I think she should call him cause If she finishes him off that's something she can't undo

"I did Hugo told me that if I ever saw him again then to just finish him off nd make sure it looks like he killed himself so I would be clear of all guiltyness so might as well do it now he already got the info he wanted out of him so let's finish what we started " Carmen responds leaning against a wall and looking before she does something

"Okey so do u want to do the honor ??" Carmena asks me she knows that I have only done the honor twice so she said that the third time is easier then the first and second time

"Are you sure what if I miss ??"I ask verry nervouse well nervouse but not as nervouse as the first and second time but I'm still kinda nervouse

"Yes I'm sure if you miss I won't. trust me "Carmen says to me we haven't done dirty work like this since we finished Mr. Milez that was like a month and a half ago so it was a pretty long time ago
I creep behind the brick wall and hear two voices talking behind the wall

"So do u have the info I needed ?? did they come are they all here ??? where are they " a kind of familiar voice says I think that's Austin he is not one of us he's the ENEMIE you could say well Hugo's enemy but who's he talkin bout I thought he was on our side okey so I start to walk towards them close enough to hear and shoot but far enough that they can't see me

"they are in some BMW nd yes all five of them are in there so pay up nd I think the Carmen chick is the boss's cousin or sister I don't know but she works for him too they never told me I couldn't figure it out so pay up now !!" Alex says WAT THE FUCK okey so now ima finish both of them off
I turns so that I was right in front of both of them

"Die you son of a bitch .I Hope you ROT in hell bitch "I say before I shoot I got him right on the forhead then before Austin can run away I shoot him in the head too

"Die bitch die I hope u rot wit Alex " I say after I see that Austin Is motionless on the floor I have gloves on so that my finger prints don't stay in the gun so I put it in Alex's hand so that it looks like he killed himself and press his hand against it so that the gun gets his finger prints perfectly printed on the trigger so that when they find them the police will think that Alex shot Austin then he shot himself .

"Damn you really like head bulets don't you "Carmen asks surprised that I had not only killed both but I had hit them both right in the head

"Come on destiny the police will get here any minute so let's go ,come on ,the girls are probably scared to death come on they are probably gonna want an explination but I'm not ready to tell them yet"Carmen try's to get me to walk along with her . I can hear the police sirens from a distance so I grab Carmens arm by surprise and start jogging towards the front of the McDonalds the police sirens can be heard getting closer and closer so instead of jogging I start running to get away faster

"Come on we need to run Destiny"Carmen rushes me my run is her jogg and my jogg is her walking so she is much faster cause she actually trains after school ends three times in Seven day two hours a day I train two days ever seven days and two hours but I'm still not fast enough she says I should run more

"Hurry up destiny do u need me to carry u u look like u are about to pass out " Carmen breaks me from my thoughts

"No I'm fine " I shake my head and run at full speed so that we get there
Carmen knocks on the cars window an Natalie raises her head and looks furious but happy at the same time to see Carmen then she turns to me and looks at me in surprise as if she didn't notice me get out wit Carmen .

"Drive Natalie...wait no !"Carmen tells Natalie

"move I'm driving "Carmen shoves Natalie out of the drivers seat as soon as she reaches the drivers seat . Carmen gets In And starts the engine as soon as we get in she sighs in relief but she sighed in relief a little too early .......

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