Day 14: Australia

Start from the beginning

We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing sheeeeep!

Sierra: Eeeeee!

Cody: Woah-oo-oo!

Heather: Shearing sheep instead of you,

Only cause you don't have any, a-tattoos!

I'll find a logo, we'll win again,

And I'll be here, until the bitter end!

Courtney, Kaylub, Gwen and Heather: We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing sheep!

We are shearing...


Sierra: Ahhhh!(Guitar solo by Cody)

"Not cool man, not cool." Duncan says calling our attention towards the guys.

"But she is your ex, and I can't help the way I feel about her." Alejandro combats.

"Well figure it out or you're going to feel a lot of pain." Duncan threatens as Sierra gasps.

Soon we finish shearing. 

"Ugg no logo." Heather said as I sigh.

"This one's for Kayody!" Sierra yells before jumping off the cliff. I look after her since I have the bungee. This isn't going to end well. She crashes into the ground.

"Medic!" Chris called as interns came and took her away on a stretcher. We moved away as it was the guys turn and Owen jumped. He came up with a dingo. Heather went and got a sheep.

"Got one, start shearing."

"I'm on it." Gwen states as we rushed over. She shers as I notice Duncan crying over Courtney while Alejandro flirts with her. I shake my head as Gwen shakes her head at Heather when there is no logo. She jumps again.

"Are you okay?" Gwen asked as I bite my lip. I nod as Cody comes over.

"What can we do to help?" Cody asks looking at me.

"Courtney has to go." I say.

"Consider her gone." Cody said. Heather manages to land as Duncan jumps grabbing a sheep.

"Quick, it's my turn. Throw me the bungee cord." Cody calls. I look over to see Duncan tossing Cody the bungee, but the dingo was attached to it.

"Think fast!" He calls out as Cody goes over with the dingo.

"Cody!" I race towards the edge. With a quick, if looks could kill you'd be ten feet underground, glare at Duncan I take hold of the rope and try to pull him up. He spins around and gets tangled in the rope. Heather and Gwen try to help me pull him up.

"And the Amazons are experiencing a slight delay." We continue to try to get him up.

"Victory at last, behold," Alejandro says as I pay no mind.

"Team I am totally smoking hot wins." The guys cheer as we go to the elimination room.

We sit in the elimination room on the plane. I sigh as I sit next to Cody, who looks extremely dizzy, and Sierra, who is severely wounded. I look towards Gwen and nod as she does too.

"It's been a tough day for many of you, but one of you is about to have the worst day of all. Sierra, last to arrive-first to injured. Courtney, slow with the emu-quick with the flirting. Cody, a petty feud sent you spinning all the way here. Heather, not your most focused performance. Kaylub, well I've got nothing to say. And Gwen, Slow on the sheering. Let the voting begin. Cody, you're up first." I get up and guide him to the confessional where the voting took place. After helping him back and voting myself, I sat and waited.

Chef opened the drop door as Chris held the passports. "Okay, one vote for Courtney, one for Gwen, a second for Courtney, a second for Gwen, and one vote for Kaylub, and the last vote is for...Gwen!"

"No!" Cody, Gwen, and I cry out together.

"It was an accident Gwen I swear." Cody said shaking me. I nod understanding as I glare at Heather. She smiled as Gwen got her parachute and went out of the plane.

/"Not only has Heather more firmly made her place in Courtney's Corner by betraying us in the vote and voting out Gwen instead, but also there's a new resident. Duncan... what he did to Cody." I glare at the camera my red eye showing a bit from under my bang. "He's definitely earned his place in her corner."\

I exit only to bump into Duncan. I glare at him as he blinks.

"Okay, what did I do wrong?"

"What you did to Cody was uncalled for and dumb." I then start to walk away only to feel a grip on my arm.

"Okay, I'm sorry, it's just seeing him close to you makes me a bit jealous... can you forgive me?" I look at him and see into his eyes that he's sincere.

"What was with you and Alejandro?"

"We have a plan to get rid of Courtney, just didn't expect Gwen to go home instead."

"Yeah, Heather betrayed us in the vote... she's the next one gone."

"You got it." He kisses my cheek before heading in to the confessional. I head to the economy class and sit with Cody tending to his dizzy spell.

Total Drama World Tour: Kaylub's EndWhere stories live. Discover now