Just you and me

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*Meg's POV*

I woke up wrapped in Cameron's bare arms, his leg over mine and his chin resting on my shoulder. I was so tired from my flight yesterday, but today we had a meeting with the modelling management about my absess.

"Cam.. wake up..." I moaned quietly, half of me not wanting to wake him.

He groaned and turned a little before fully opening his eyes and smiling at me.

"What?" I asked as he sat staring at me with a smile on his face. "So you being mine wasn't just a dream." He smiled widely.

"No, I'm yours." I said playfully sliding my hand along his shoulder.

"I gotta get ready." He announced before pecking me on the lips and walking to the bathroom.

I sat smiling like an idiot, I was officially the happiest girl on this planet. I had the boy of my dreams and hopefully for a long, long time. I grabbed my phone and checked twitter, no body knew about us yet. We'd tell them when we're ready, but for now... It's just us, nothing else.

I heard the water running meaning he was in the shower so I just laid my head back in thought.

About ten minutes later I was woken from my thoughts by a shirtless cameron with only a towel barely slung accross his hips.

He leaned his arm against the door frame so that his whole torso was showing and smirked at me. "This is just a taster." He said in a low voice making my stomache flutter.

I grabbed a towel and some clothes from my suitcase and took a shower, letting the beads of water soak my dry skin.

I got out and dried my body with a towel before getting dressed and running a comb through my wet hair.

*Camerons POV*

We just got out of our meeting and I was now taking meg for dinner along the beach.

"Hey this one seems nice." I said as we stopped outside a small grill cafe, the smell intriguing me.

Meg agreed so we got a table and began looking through the menus. I decided on a stake as meg decided to just get a cheeseburger. I loved a girl with a good appetite.

After the waiter came to take our orders I began to look around and take notice of the people's lives around us. The couples smiling, the old man sulking on his own, the small children running around happily, the married couple arguing. It's strange how many different types of people you can fit in just one small cafe.

"Cam?" I heard meg ask, bringing me back to reality. "What were you thinking about?" She asked as I looked at her.

"Just about how different we all are, we're all human but we all have completely different lives." I spoke as her face dropped in confusion. "Forget it." I smiled reaching accross the table for her hands.

She gladly put out her hands and took mine and I smiled into her wonderful eyes. The ones I could easily get lost in.

Our food soon came and I gotta admit I was so hungry.

The waiter placed my huge plate of food infront of me and I smiled and looked up at meg who had a plate nowhere near big as mine.

"Woah." She laughed as I began to tuck in.

I slowly cut up bits of the steak before chewing them, the hot sensation melting my mouth.

I looked up at meg who was getting through her burger and smiled blushing. She was beautiful when she blushed.

I eventually finnished and put down my knife and fork to an empty plate, as meg was already finnished.

"That was nice." I admitted as my food settled in my stomache.

"I agree." She smiled.

As we sat a bit longer I decided to check my phone.

6 new messages.

From Nash: I found out that you and meg got together? Don't ask how, but aw aw how cute.

From carter: cam it's all over twitter, someone must have seen you kissing her at the airport.

From Mom: aw my baby's all grown up!! When do we get to meet her??x

From Taylor: scored;)

From dad: good job mate x

From shawn: proud of you mate

I sighed and rolled my eyes as I replied to them all, most of them saying thanks or whatever.

"They all know about us." I sighed, knowing this wasn't what she wanted.

"Who?" She asked sadly.

"The fans, everyone." I spoke almost in a whisper.

"It's fine." She said which got me by surprise, I thought she was gonna be really mad at me. Thank god.

We payed the bill and got in my brothers car who was waiting outside to pick us up and take us home.

We both got in the back and my brother turned the music up..

"We all american...

Party over here call up everybody we know, this is to the women who been feeding off my ego.

Tell me that I made it cause I listen to my haters, took what they say and nagate it yeah I play it like Im t bone.

Poar me out another one, take a shot and reload girls be waiting for me got em lining up like three rows,

Everywhere that we go they say I'm their favorite but I see that you've been faking baby I know how to make it in America, doing what we love and we passionate yo girl it's cashing it, kourtney kardashian. You pulled up with some honey bees and I pulled out with half of them cause I ain't good home if I ain't going with the badest chick...

Thumbs up to my friends drinking whiskey,

Peace out to the girls that'll miss me,

Middle finger to the dudes back at high school, cause you peaked at eighteen cool..."

We all sang along and I looked at meg who seemed to be enjoying herself, I couldn't be more happy right in this moment.


OKAY OKAY, I owe a lot of apologies...

First of all I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages I'm really sorry.

Secondly, I'm sorry this chapter is a filler and is really short.

But.... You all still read it and you're a amazing I love you all!

Stay amazing:)

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