Leaving so soon?

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*Camerons POV*

I woke up and felt Meg's soft embrace around me, but what I wasn't expecting.. She was crying. I slowly let go of get so that I could sit beside her to face her.

I looked up into her deep blue eyes, which never really stood out to me until now. How had I never really noticed her eyes..

"Woah.. What's wrong?" I soothed as I sat up and stroked her arm.

"My mom just called. My.. M-y brother h-he was in a c-car accident." She let out shakily.

"Oh my god... How is he?" I asked worryingly, I pulled her closer to me as she rested her head on my chest.

"He's on a heart monitor at the minute. Im scared Cameron." She admitted. I held her tighter to me, feeling her tears roll down my bear chest.

It was weird, I'd known this girl a few days.. But I felt like it was my duty to protect her.

"Im gonna need time off work." She sighed.

"Look dont worry about it, I'll call management and explain.. You focus on getting back to Vegas yeah?" I suggested and she nodded, the tears still falling down her face.

"I'll go call my mom." She said, walking into the bathroom.

I pulled my phone out and checked my messages while she was gone.

From Taylor C: hey who's this girl nash told me about ;)

To Taylor C: ohhhh sh. Well her names meg, she's pretty.. Funny.. Cute and all round amazing ;) we work together too which is great. But right now shes just found out some bad news.

I threw my phone back on my bed and walked into the living room to see nash still spread out on my couch from lastnight.

"Meg uhm..." I sighed sitting down beside him. "She has to leave, something happened back at home."

Nash looked at me with worry in his eyes and rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"Ah I'm sorry. Where is she now?" He asked.

"Oh uhm when calling her mom." I answered not taking my eyes off the floor.

"You really like her, don't you?" He asked out of nowhere.

I felt my cheeks heat up with embarrassment but I nodded. "Yeah, I do." It was the truth. I really was falling for meg.

We sat in an awkward silence for a while until meg came running into the living room.

"I have to get the first plane to Vegas. Is there any chance of a lift to the airport?" She asked sweetly.

I sighed. She couldn't go, not now.

"Sure. Let me get dressed then I'll take you to your apartment to pick up your clothes." I said and she nodded.

*Meg's POV*

I'd just got off the phone to managment.. They said I could have 6 days off and we could start the shot next week instead.

We were now on the way to the airport, cameron driving in a comfortable silence.

I took a moment to gaze over at his features which I hadn't really done before.

His hair was sticking up at different directions which looked cute.

He quickly glanced at me before looking back at the road and smiling to himself... He must have caught me staring at him.

"Nearly there." He said while focusin on the road still.

I nodded and switched on the radio and luckily my favourite song came on.. Classic by MKTO.We sang along together for a while which was really fun, and definitley cheered me up a little.

I'd been getting into the music that much I hadn't even realised we'd parked outside the airport. Cameron looked at me as we just sat, obviously none of us wanting to get out of the car. I really didnt want to leave California.. I didn't wanna leave cameron.

He eventually got out of the car and got my luggage from the boot.

We stood outside his car for a while until eventually he pulled me in for a hug. His arms wrapped tightly around me, as if he didnt want to let go.. Because honestly, I didn't either.

"Meg uhm.." He started nervously as we pulled out of the hug. "I..really like you. I've only known you a few days but I've seen how amazing you are, I get to work with you every day when you get back which makes me really happy. I just hope your brother's okay, and I hope you have a safe flight.. Damn I sound like my mother." He mumbled and I couldn't help but laugh.

He brought his face closer to mine, my arms finding their way around his neck. He pulled me into his stomache with his hands on my waist.

He leaned in and I felt the spark as our lips connected. They moved in sync fast, as if this was like our last time or something.

His hand snaked down to my lower back, sending shivers through out my whole body. I began to play with the hairs at the back of his neck and felt him smile into the kiss.

Hesitantly I let go, our faces still inches apart and my arms still around his neck.

"So the feeling is mutual then?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"The feeling is very mutual." I replied and couldn't help but smile.

He lent in again to kiss me, I couldn't resist the warm feeling that his lips brought. It felt right, nothing had ever felt so right until now.

I pulled away and sighed, remembering I still have a plane to catch.

"I have to go..." I sighed, seeing sadness fill his eyes.

"Have a safe flight." He whispered, pulling me in for one more hug.

He let go and walked towards his car. I was kinda sad, I mean... I had to wait a whole week to see him again.

"Can I text you when I'm there?" I asked before be got in the car.

"Sure." He said nodding.

"Bye cameron." I yelled, picking up my luggage.

He waved at me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

I began to walk into the airport, I tried my best not to look behind me because Id probably cry.

I pulled out my phone and texted Bex.

To Bex: on my way back to Vegas.. I have a lot to tell you!x

I waited in the luggage que and patiently waited for a reply.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket..

From Bex: what why?! And ooh...?x

To Bex: family problem. And yes.. It involves a certain American boy. ;) x

I knew Bex would be probably screaming by now as she knew exactly who I meant.

From Bex: We need to meet straight away!!!!!!!xx

I smiled and pushed my phone back into my pocket as I was next to hand over my luggage.

I don't want to say goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting.. So see you later California.

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