Making it through

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*Camerons POV*

Me and meg have been dating for three weeks now. We've also been doing some more photoshoots, so now we have a few days off. We were thinking about making a YouTube video introducing meg... All of my fans already know about her but i just want them to know more about her and us.

"Meg baby wake up." I shook her shoulder and she groaned slightly before moving with her eyes closed.

"Hmmmm.." She mumbled before pulling the blanket back up to her and making herself cosy.

I sighed and picked my phone off the nightstand, looking to see if anything new has happened. I saw that Nash is doing a follow spree for his new video and taylor is doing a competition, nothing new happening.

"Hey what time is it?" She asked rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"10:45." I answered as I checked my phone.

"I don't wanna get up." She sighed smiling as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Me either but we're gonna make a video today!!" I announced excitedly. Her eyes widened and she nodded happily, obviously agreeing that it was a good idea.

"Okay let me go shower first." She died and I nodded. She made me so happy just by being there? Just by having her touch and being in her embrace.

I went into my kitchen and began cooking pancakes, as I knew it was her favorite. They were finally done so I piled then all on a plate and squirted syrup on them before making two cups of tea for us both.

"Mhhhhmmmmm I smell pancakes..." Meg said dreamily as she walked into the kitchen rubbing a towel through her wet hair.

"Yeah!" I yelled and she smiled before pulling me into a hug. Sometimes I didn't even know why she would randomly hug me but I didn't mind.

We hadn't even had sex yet, we've been close like had a few heated make out sessions but nothing serious, yet.

I handed the plate over to meg and we both began to eat at the pancakes.

Excited to make a video with me?" I asked as I swallowed a mouth full of pancake."YES!" She yelled with the food still in her mouth making it come out muffled.

An hour later and we were both sat on the sofa scrolling through twitter on my laptop. I'd sent out a tweet asking people what video they want to see me and meg make.

"Girlfriend does my make up!" She read outloud excitedly and smiled. I shook my head, no thank you.

"Ask meg? The couple tag? Dare cam and meg?" I read out watching her facial expression.

"Ask cam and meg!" She yelled and I agreed, that sounded like a great idea.

@CameronDallas: Okay it's decided, me and Meg are doing a Q&A video so get your questions in NOW because we're gonna start filming very soon!!

I put my laptop to the side and lay back on the couch with meg over my chest, her head resting in the crook of my neck.

We sat like that for a while just enjoying eachother's company before we started to pick out some questions as I screenshotted the ones I liked.

I set all of the equipment up and we walked into my small office type room where I film my videos.

We sat one the bed and I placed the camera infront of us, assuring she was ready.

"Just start!" She yelled probably more excited than I was.

I clicked the record button and began speaking "Hey guys it's cameron Dallas, and y'all should know who this is by now... This is my girlfriend meg." She blushed a bit as I smiled to her.

Dreaming (Cameron Dallas fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ