Chapter 2

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Castiel picked up his brush, dabbing it into the watered down blue. He placed the base of the brush in between his teeth, a blank canvas in front of him. Slowly stretching his arm out, he delicately stroked across, creating a warm blue skyline.

The colors bold and thick towards the top, but slowly growing duller, and brighter once he reached mid-canvas. Cas grinned lightly, the hue matching his gleaming eyes. He stared at the half blank canvas, mind wondering.

"Music!" Cas chirped.

He turned away from his work in progress, and bent over into one of the boxes, shuffling through the boxes. At last he found the bulky piece of machinery. Pulling it out of the box, he set it down next to the canvas leg, stretching his arm and grabbing a tape at random. Pulling it back, he looked down at what he had grabbed.

Grinning, he popping open the case, placing the tape and hit play. He stood back up, grabbing the paint brush, waiting for the song to begin.

"At the end of the rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold." The song streamed from the speakers, almost energizing him. He dipped the hairs into the white paint, and dotted the canvas, slowly forming clouds.

After a while, the joints in his fingers ached. He had left the song on repeat. Even though Castiel had heard it endless times, he never got tired of Nancy Sinatra's wavering vocals.

Combing his hair with his fingers, Cas stepped away from his work, and looked down from the window. The robins egg sky was hiding behind the sky scrapers, casting the sun to glare off the buildings.

Cas placed his elbows against the window walls, leaning against it calmly as his gaze looked around outside. He sighed, gazing at the people below, looking small and frail. Almost like a doll that should be handled carefully.

He squinted his eyes against the suns gleam. Castiel leaned a little forward, taking notice of people bunching together in the middle of the road. Curious, Cas tipped his head. Once the crowd pushed their way through the bundle, he saw a figure standing in the middle of the road.

"Isn't that my new neighbor? Dean was it?" Cas thought to himself. Dean lifted his head and skirted to the other side of the road. Grunting, Cas continued to observe, eyes shining with interest.

After a few moments, Dean recovered from the shelter of the canopy, a brown bag in his grip. Castiel watched closely, mind thinking of why he had stopped in the middle of a busy street. Dean stared up at his building, slowing his stride. Castiel's heart beat quickened.

"Is he staring at me?" Cas whispered, eyes widening in fear.

Dean raised a hand, giving a lazy wave. Cas could feel his face heating up like boiling water. He ducked, and closed the blinds, making the room much darker than it had.

"And our love with go on till the end, of, time." The song slowed. "Till the end, of, time."

Cas leaned his head against the wall. Castiel had never been very good at communicating. A shy, bashful man he was. Due to this, he never had to many friends, leaving him to make friends with his teachers, and even the class pet.

Once Castiel's heart beat steadied, he rose back up, the song changed into something he couldn't remember the name to;

Shakily grabbing a smaller brush, He sighed, attempt to clear his mind. Continuing his cloud work, his shaking hand only making the clouds look like a mess.

Castiel bit the inside of his cheek annoyingly. He pulled the canvas off of his stand, and set it on the far wall. Gripping a smaller sized canvas, and resting it up, Cas stared at it for a moment.

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