"David didn't doubt she loved you." I tell him softly, but he only gave a little nod.

"How can we make you believe us, that what we've been saying is the truth in all this?" Aiden asked, breaking the awkward silence that had taken over.

"I believe you." I decide. Listening to my gut now didn't seem like a bad idea considering it was the only part of me that seemed to have some idea about what to think.

"And him?" He pushed.

"I believe he just wants to be in my life." The more I thought about it now, the more I knew it wasn't as simple as the goodbye I had given him. We both deserved more, I was sure of it.

"So, you're a-" Gwen stopped, frowning in concentration as she looked between Aiden and I. "Hybrid. Both of you? And your Dad isn't really your Dad, which honestly explains a lot and the psycho killer that we've all be scared of is actually a vampire and your real Dad, who has also killed your mates family?"

"I think that's all of it." I shrug, suddenly feeling exhausted. "You can't tell anyone though Gwen. Promise!"

"I won't. Your family all knows?"

"Yeah. It was a very Merry Christmas." Brianna hands me a glass a wine and I take it, wishing it was something stronger. "I guess it explains a lot huh?"

She nods, sipping her own glass. "I didn't think hybrids truly existed, but now I know two of them."

"Lucky you." Aiden mumbles.

Conversation dies after that until Brianna leaves and Gwen decides to disappear into my guest room, which was brave of her considering it had become a dumping ground for things I didn't know what to do with. She'd been busy earlier and cleared off the bed, found clean sheets and made some kind of sense of the crap that had blocked the doorway. Following her lead Aiden and I head into my room and the second the door closes I feel trapped. There is so much that needs to be said only I don't know what to say and yet none of it matters as soon as I'm in his arms.

"I woke up and you were gone. I've never been so scared before." His words tickle the top of my head as he holds me close. "If he had done anything to hurt you I would have-"

"He didn't and won't. I honestly think he just wants to make up for lost time. He's not at fault this time, my parents made a choice and he has had to deal with that."

"He isn't a good person Sam."

"I know your history isn't great, but-" I start only to have him pull away.

"He isn't going to change over night." Aiden steps back, shaking his head. "Don't let him fool you."

"But what if this does change him? Would you ever be able to find some kind of truce so we can try to get to know each other? I'm not asking you to forgive or to even like him, just not try to kill each other if you both happen to see the other around."

"I know him well enough to know he will never agree to that."

"He might if I talk to him and have your word you will do the same?" A tiny flicker of hope ignites as I can see him actually thinking it over. It's a huge ask and one I'm not sure I have the right to ask.

"I can't answer that Samara." He sighs.

"Not tonight. But could you think about it?" I get a nod and as he sits on the end of the bed, I quickly climb onto his lap. "Thank you."

With my head on his shoulder we just sat there, and after a few minutes Aiden moved us both along the bed until we were laying side by side.

"He said something else, about my Dad." I finally broke the almost peaceful quiet, but it had been playing on my mind and I never mentioned it before.

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