Chapter 27 -- Can't Keep My Mouth Shut

Start from the beginning

            “Shazia’s not who she seems, Noh. I know you were friends with her and everything but she’s actually someone with a lot of depth to her. She’s not just the façade that she puts on display.”

            She puts a lot more on display for your purpose. I wince as the snarky thought enters my head. Ya Allah, forgive me for my meanness. I vow to pray two rakat namaz to ask Allah for forgiveness. I have no right to be that mean to Shazia, even in my head. I, over everyone else, know how hell-ish her home life must be.

            Her mom passed away the summer between seventh and eighth, and Shazia only has a brother, Rayyan. Her father completely distraught over the loss of his wife, kind of went off the handle after her death, leaving Rayyan and Shazia to fend for themselves.

            But as true as that is, do one’s home circumstances give them a free pass to treat other people like crap? I don’t think so. I repeat that last musing to Adam.

            “What does she do?” He asks incredulously.

            I smack my palm against my forehead and mumble to myself, “This boy….” I finally look at him again and go, “How the heck do you not see the way she treats Maysa?”

            I’m met with a confused look. “Oh hell, Adam. Today when Drew had his arm around Maysa, she indirectly called her out by saying hi. She just wanted you to see them together.”

            A pissed off expression crosses his face. “Yeah. What the hell was that all about?”

            I shoot him a look. “Adam, come to terms with your feelings. You wouldn’t recognize a clue if it hit you over the head and screamed ‘Adam, I’m a clue. Understand me.’”

            “What’s that supposed to mean?” He grumbles.

            “Must a spell it out for you?” I huff. He sheepishly nods. “Adam. Likes. Maysa. Shazia. Knows. Adam. Likes. Maysa. She. Also. Thinks. Maysa. Likes. Adam. Shazia. No. Like. That.”

            Hey, he asked me to spell it out for him. “Maysa likes me?” Adam’s voice is hoarse.

            I hold up my hands. “Look. I’m not here to play matchmaker on you and Maysa. Your feelings are private. I won’t be telling her that you like her even though I’ve known it forever.” I’m met with a look. “And I never felt right to bring it up to Maysa what her feelings about you are. Therefore, I don’t know what her feelings for you are, and even if I did, I would keep my mouth shut. I only asked you because you’re my brother. But yes, I think I, and everyone else, would agree that it’s safe to say that the feeling is mutual.” Why does my brother looked dazed?

            “Why would she like me?” He mumbles, turning bright red.
            “Because you’re smart, confident in yourself except when it comes to her, you’re religious and strive to stay on the Siratul Mustaqeem, and you’re handsome. All those reasons, in a nutshell.”

            He just nods, unable to speak. “Wow.” Then he remembers why I brought this up. “Wait, so Shazia doesn’t like her? Because I like her? How does she know?”

            I give him a are-you-dumb? look. “Because everyone can see that you like her. Even if the boys don’t know, she knows because of the girl intuition thing. She doesn’t like the fact that you like Maysa. Therefore, she is not that nice to Maysa. Comprende?”

            “Oh. Yeah.” He rubs his neck awkwardly.

            I pat his head, stroking his short black hair like he’s a little kid. “Good boy.” I coo. The look he gives me can cause flowers to wither and die.

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