Greatest Sinner There Is

Start from the beginning

The Principal was talking with the new students as they looked around. I noticed Jason came up to us. "Hey guys." He says innocently.

"Hey Jason." Veronica says in awe. Both Archie and I wave slightly.

Jason leaned in, "he's staring at us, better make a scene." He whispers in my ear as he puts his hand in my back pocket.

Shocked I stay put as the students move past us to find their lockers. Jughead and Toni make their way past us. Jughead notices what Jason was doing, but I didn't look at him I stared at the floor waiting for the scene to be over.

They turned the corner and I grabbed Jason's hand and pulled it out of my pocket. "Good girl for staying put." He whispers in my ear. I look at him giving him a dirty look.

Jughead's POV
We walked into Riverdale High. Toni insisted that we hold hands since we are 'together.' The Principal came and explained how to behave or something. I wasn't listening since I was looking for her.

My eyes landed on Betty who was talking to Jason. Archie and Veronica were with them too. After the Principal left, some students walked farther into the school.

"Let's go find our lockers." Toni says annoyed. She's been like this ever since she found out she'd be going to Riverdale High.

Toni, still holding my hand, dragged me. We were going straight to where Betty was. I tried not to look, but I couldn't stop looking. I regret it though, after seeing Jason's hand was in Betty's back pocket.

I looked to see if she knew I was there, but she ignored my eye contact. We turned the corner and found our lockers.

"Looks like they're dating." Toni says talking about Jason and Betty. I didn't respond. All I could do was feel sick. "But it doesn't matter since we're dating too." She says smiling.

I fake a smile and tell her I'll see her later.

Betty's POV
*After School*
Jason walked me home like he always does. Everyday it feels like I carry this weight that gets heavier and heavier the more I pull it. Ever since I've broken up with Jughead, Jason's pointed out differences in my behavior and looks.

I've become more tired looking, I've lost color in my eyes, I don't listen to anyone anymore. The only way that these things has happened is because I've lost a part of me. He is my half, my soul, and I don't think I can go on much longer without him.

"We have our next victim." Jason says calmly.

"Who?" I ask worried.

"FP Jones." I stop in my tracks. Jason turns around waiting for me to start walking again.

"What? You can' can't.." I stuttered trying to fit the information in my clouded head.

"He's one of the greatest sinners, it was bound to happen." He says.

We get to my house and stop in the driveway. "I can't help you with that! He's Jughead's dad, even if I didn't know FP or Jughead I still wouldn't want you to kill him." I argue.

"You don't have a choice remember? You follow my rules and he survives. Disobey and he drops like a fly." He says snapping his finger.

I walk into my house and lock the door. 'This has gone too far.'

After Jason leaves I call Archie over to my house. In my room, I explain what Jason and The Black Hood are planing.

Archie looks stunned, yet interested. "You're right. It's gone to far. We need to tell Sheriff Keller."

"I know, but what if they catch Jason and The Black Hood comes for me or worse Jug." I say conflicted.

"Sheriff Keller will protect Jughead and you. We need to make sure FP and everyone is safe first." He explains.

My phone buzzes on my vanity. I pick it up and see the caller I.D. It's Jason. I answer it and put it on speaker phone. "We are going to kill FP tomorrow so be ready."

"I'm not helping you. And how are you going to get into the jail without being caught?" I ask.

"We've got a man on the inside." He says.

'They've thought of everything.'

"And you'll be the one to pull the trigger." He says darkly. Archie grabs the phone and stands there.

"She's not going to do anything and neither will you," Archie says, "you're going down Jason, no matter what it takes."

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