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As I neared the beach the sun was rising, once more filling the city with warmth and light. I made my way quietly back to the house and sat on the couch, wondering what I should do.
     "Hey," a cheerful voice called, startling me. Steven crept down the stairs and sat next to me. "You can't sleep either?"
     "Actually, I don't need to sleep. But... yeah." I gave him a shy smile. He swung his feet and examined his hands.
     "So, Emerald..." he began hesitantly. "If you're from the gem Homeworld, why aren't you like Jasper and Peridot?"
     "What do you mean?" He twiddled his thumbs nervously.
      "I mean... when they first got to Earth, they were kinda scary. They tried to attack us, and then they captured us and tried to take us back to their Homeworld. But you aren't here to capture us. You're just here to find Jasper and Peridot." I stayed silent for a long while.
      "You know, Steven, there are a lot of things Yellow Diamond does that I don't agree with. Ordering Jasper and Peridot to capture you is one of them." I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, sinking into the couch cushions. "I know why she did it, though. She's scared. We all are. We're afraid that the Earth will be used in the wrong way. It has the potential to-"
     "Steven-! What are you doing?" a voice shrieked. Pearl darted down the stairs and snatched Steven up in her arms, pulling him away from me. She glared daggers at me, and I shrank further back into the cushions with an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.
      "I didn't mean... we were just..." I knew nothing I could say would make a difference. I was still a threat to them, and to Steven especially. Pearl was just trying to keep him safe. Why couldn't she see that I truly meant no harm? I sighed sadly.
     "It's okay, Pearl," Steven said, wriggling. "She was just telling me about how Yellow Diamond-"
     "Steven," Pearl interrupted with wide eyes, "I don't want you talking to Emerald anymore. We don't know if she's telling the truth. She could be dangerous!"
     "But Pearl-!"
     "No buts, Steven. Back to bed!" Steven groaned and crawled back up the stairs. I tried to make myself as small as possible, attempting to ignore Pearl's sharp, narrowed eyes boring into me. After an agonizing moment she followed Steven back up the stairs and left me to wallow in my emotions.

My Name is EmeraldWhere stories live. Discover now