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A.n- I might not be updating as constant because school is starting and I need to get my grades up.
Your p.o.v
I remembered the incident that happened last time we went to the mall.

"Finn remember to bring a hat and sunglasses." I said.
"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me baby." Finn said.
I wore a black fedora and dramatic big sunglasses and Finn wore a vans beanie and clout goggles.
"You're so silly." I laughed
"But you love me."He said
"I do, so much." I said
"I love you too." Finn told me.

Finns p.o.v

I called an Uber to take us to the mall. While we were waiting outside I held Ambers hand. She turned to me and smiled. She gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

"You are so beautiful." I said.
"And you are so handsome." She said.
Right after she said that our Uber came and we went inside the car.

We stepped inside and nobody recognized us so far. We had a lot of fun just shopping. The way her face lit up when I told her she looked beautiful. We were shopping for 45 minutes and she had only gotten 3 things. So I would just got random clothes that I thought she would like and look good in.

We stopped at Gucci. She said she didn't want to go in but I insisted that she did.
"Finn, no that's too much." She would tell me all the time.
"It's fine princess, it's for your birthday."
I finally gave up and said I was going to get something for myself and she could go to top shop that was the store next door. I wasn't actually going to get anything for myself. I was going to buy Amber something. I knew she liked vintage type clothing. After looking around for a while I found a brown Gucci crop top. I knew she would look good in this. After I finished paying I went to go look for her and I saw her in line about to pay for her things. I quickly stopped her.
"What are you doing, I told you I would pay." I said
"It's okay it doesn't matter I want to pay for this." She said.
"No it's almost your birthday and I said I was taking you on a shopping spree." I kept insisting.
"Okay fine." She Finally gave in. I heard the store clerk tell Amber something.
"He's a keeper." I heard the store clerk say. We both blushed.
"I know." Amber said smiling. We walked out of the mall with all her bags and decided to go out to eat. I wanted to take her somewhere fancy but she said she didn't want to because she wasn't dressed up.
"It's okay babe you could walk in dressed in rags and still look better than everyone." I said.
"Thank you my Prince Charming but I'm craving some McDonald's." She said.
"Okay then we will get McDonald's if that's what my princess wants." I said.

We got to McDonald's and ordered our food. We got a 20 piece chicken nugget box that I knew she would end up only letting me get 5 but that's okay as long as she's happy.

I saw a random guy staring at Amber but I didn't say anything because I knew she was mine and only mine. Or he was probably just a fan, after all she is a model for a reason. But then I saw him approach us and my knuckles went white from clutching them.
"Are you a model?" The guy asked.
"Yeah." She replied.
"I can see why you are so hot and I've seen you in magazines." He said.
"Thank you." She said clearly uncomfortable.
"If you want you can come back to my room to have a fun time." He said. This time I cut him off.
"I'm actually her boyfriend and I would appreciate it if you would not talk to her that way." I said hoping he would get the hint that he was not wanted here.
He turned to Amber.
"Why this scrawny boy, a hot babe like you deserves a man like me." He said confidently.
"No thank you I love my boyfriend and he gives me love and plus I think he is way better looking than you." Amber told him.
"It's okay baby just call my number if you change your mind." He winked and smacked her butt. Right before he was about to leave I punched him straight in the face and knocked him out. Amber looked shocked.
"Come on let's get out." I said.
"Okay and thank you Finn." She thanked me.
"No problem, you are mine and only mine, and I will never let anyone talk to you or touch you that way." I told her.
"I love you so much." She said. I blushed and said.
"I love you too."

We drove back talking and listening to alternative rock on the radio. I realized that I think I love her. I hope she feels the same.

Awful things// Finn Wolfhard x reader //Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu