Xavier and I had gotten into a debate on cereal one day while I was with him shopping for groceries. It was a few days before the wedding and he wanted to make sure the house was stocked with things that I liked before I moved in. We were standing in the cereal aisle grumbling with one another about which cereal was the best. Xavier being the lame-o that he is had chosen frosted flakes, like seriously. So lame! That had to be one of the most boring cereal’s ever. He had said that he didn’t understand how I could favor a mini cookie cereal as my favorite. I had to tell him that, that was exactly the point. It was mini cookies! Cookies and milk are the shizznit and having a cereal made from the whole cookies and milk concept was just genius. He obviously did not get that. 

With my cereal finished I washed and dried my dishes before placing them back into the cabinet. I turned to look at Liam and Cole, they were both looking at me like I had grown two extra heads.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked them.

“You just ate a bowl of cookie crisp.” Liam pointed out

“Yes, I did. Thank you for stating the obvious.” I nodded, really not seeing where this was going.

“I can’t believe that Xavier allowed that cereal to be in his home.” Cole said 

“Why?” I asked confused I knew he didn’t like the cereal but, to not let it in his home was a bit weird.

“He didn’t tell you?” Liam asked looking like he was trying not to laugh.

“Is that not obvious?” I asked 

“When we were younger Xavier was terrified of the wolf (or dog) – whatever that thing is – whenever the commercial came on he would freak the hell out. The first time he saw it, Sharon couldn’t get him to go into the cereal aisle for months. I swear he had nightmares about the wolf.” Cole said 

Once again I was thrown into a fit of laughter. How I managed when happened next was beyond me, but, I ended up on the floor clutching my stomach. I was laughing so hard that no sound was coming out. It was mean of me to be laughing about something that had scared Xavier when he was a child. But, I just could not help it. I mean, who the heck gets scared by a cartoon wolf, especially one made as a cereal mascot of sorts? Plus, his favorite cereal had a talking tiger in the commercial! Wouldn’t it make sense if he was scared of that thing as well? I had no idea, it was thoroughly confused. Then again when it came to Xavier nothing ever really made a whole lot of sense. 

When my laughing fit was over, I picked myself up off the ground and took a deep breath. I was never going to let Xavier live that down, not for the rest of my life. Cole was going to catch hell from him when he finds out that I knew. Things were going to get interesting once Xavier came home. Bracing my hands on my edge of the counter I looked over Liam and Cole, they both had amusement shining in their eyes. Once Xavier finds out about this though, I knew they wouldn’t be thinking it was funny. 

“Okay, so now that I have finished breakfast and am calmed down, what are we going to do to pass time waiting for Xavier to get home?” I asked 

“That’s a whole lot of time to pass, he doesn’t come on till late afternoon.” Liam said 

“Actually he should be heading home after his morning meeting.” I said 

“How do you know that?” he asked 

“He left me note.” I answered “Are we going to play twenty questions till he gets back or are we actually going to do something?”

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