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The next time I woke up I sitting in the squad four barracks with Hanataro standing in front of me.

"Your awake Commander Shiba," Hanataro said happily.

"You don't have to be so formal Hanataro. Cut it out with the Commander and Shiba stuff." I said and tried to move.

"You shouldn't move, your still quite injured." HE exclaimed and pushed be slightly down.

"How long have I been out?" I Questioned.

"Almost two weeks, your injuries were very severe. You're lucky to be alive." He said as his voice became serious.

"That bad Hun?" I questioned.

"You were inches away from having you reistu chain broken ending your life. You need to rest and heal. Everyone has been terribly worried about you. Especially Captain Hitsugaya he's been coming in every day and sitting with you." He explained.

"Where is Toshiro?" I questioned in earnest.

"He left a while ago, no one had seen him for some time. He looked quite upset. Between you and me, his heart is filled with guilt." Hanataro said.

"Why would he be guilty?" I questioned.

"He blames himself for what happen to you. Because it was you who jumped in front of the blade made for him." Hanataro explained and he looked the medicine by my bed.

"WHAT?" I questioned with shock. "IT WS MEANT TO TAUGHNT ME!" I exclaimed and I felt a sting in my chest.

"Please Karin you have to calm down," Hanataro begged.

I coughed up blood and let my body fall against the hospital bed. "I need to find Toshiro," I said and I used my own kido to try and speed up my healing process. I healed myself enough to stop the pain and got out of the bed. I grabbed my zanpokto and went towards the door.

"I highly do not recommend this," Hanataro exclaimed.

"I have to find him Hanataro, please," I begged.

"OK, but be careful." He demanded.

"I will." I ran through the door and looked around the soul society. I went to squad ten but he wasn't there. I went to his house but he wasn't there either. "Toshiro, where are you," I said aloud. Then the realization hit me, a place I knew all too well. I shunpo'd to the west Rukan, to my familiar place. I ran through the forest and sure enough, I saw that white hair and his body laid out on that familiar rock. His eyes shot open, he had sensed my reistu.

"Karin, what are you doing here?" He questioned shock filling his voice.

"We need to talk," I said in a serious tone.

"You need to be in the hospital. You almost died Karin!" He exclaimed and I could see the guilt in his eyes.

I walked over to him. "Toshiro what are you doing to yourself?" I questioned.

"You know I think I asked you the same thing once." He said.

"Toshiro!" I exclaimed.

"IT'S MY FAULT KARIN!" HE yelled and ran his hands through his hair.

I walked up to him and slapped him. "YOU IDIOT! It's not your fault, if anything it's mine. I shut you out for years because I thought I was protecting you from me but in the end, I almost got you killed." I said and brought my hands to his face. He wouldn't look me in the eyes. I forced his face to look at mine. He looked so broken I could stand to see him this way. Images of my dream flashed in my head and I smiled. I moved his face towards mine and planted my lips softly on his. It only took a moment to respond. Our lips moved in sync as his hands fell on my hips and he gripped them tightly. My hand moved to his hair and I tugged at it slightly. It felt like my body was on fire and I pulled myself closer to him using my grip on his hair and he gasps. I felt his tongue graze the top of my lips. I felt him tighten his grip on my hips and I gasp. He took his opportunity and I felt my knees weaken. The deepness of the kiss and the intensity was enough to make my knees turn to mush. He tightens his grip on me. This was just like the dream that I had. We both deepened the kiss and his cold hands under my shirt. I gasp at the coolness of his hand, they sent a shiver down my spine. I felt the pressure building in my head I was slowly suffocating. I slowly moved away as I tried to catch my breath. My chest was rising and falling fast.

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