Her Blood On My Hands

Start from the beginning

"It's hard to believe you could forget the man from that night." The voice taunted once again.

"WHO ARE YOU!!" I yelled furiously. I saw a figure come out from the shadows.

I watched as a zanpokto came towards me and my eyes widened. I saw black hair in front of me. "Hakaru," I said surprised. I watched as my team all shunpo'd in front of me.

"We will not allow you to harm Lady Karin," Taru exclaimed.

"We would rather die," Hakaru Said forcefully.

"If you wish to fight our commander you will have to go through us," Fuku said as she drew her zanpokto.

I watched as my squad all drew their zanpokto and delivered one blow after another. I watched as this fight continued looking as if there was no end to it. My eyes widened as I saw Fuku get to close. My body reacted impulsively as I stood in front of Fuku. My eyes hardened.

"Lady Karin." My squad said worriedly

"Your opponent is me," I said my voice hard and stern.

"It only right, you must avenge your sister after all." He said

My eyes widened. "What did you just say?" I questioned trying to keep my composure.

"I felt so horrible for having to control her soul, but sacrifices had to be made. Although I knew eventually my zanpokto's power would eventually kill her. But when I saw your zanpokto had priced her it was too good to pass up." He said laughing.

My eyes were almost black as I tried to process what he said. That night replayed in my mind. That day was so peaceful, Yuzu and I had just gotten back from going shopping. We were setting up for our birthday party. It was supposed to be very special and I remember how excited and happy Yuzu was. We were walking when I first felt that reistu, it was so strong it even made me have to take an extra breath. Before I understood what was happening hollows surrounded us and my soul pager was beeping relentlessly. Hollows on every corner of Katakura Town. I reached for my soul candy and went into my shinigami form. I tried to fight them off but one after another. My body began to tire and it was getting harder and harder to protect Yuzu. I remember falling and releasing my zanpokto to it's Shikai form. But I just tired myself out more. I remember falling and my vision going in and out and the hollow came towards me. But luckily he showed up. That haori flowed and for the first time that night I let myself take a breath. "Toshiro." I coughed out.

"Reign over the frozen skies Hyõrimaru." He said his voice calm but deadly.

I watched as Toshiro fought relentlessly and the hollows disappeared one after another. Finally, the hollows had disappeared and he walked over to me. "Yuzu, how is she," I questioned still on the floor.

"She's fine, she's safe. Rangiku took her back to your house." He explained.

"When?" I questioned.

"You blacked out for a little while." He said.

"You always do have to show up and be the hero, don't you," I said trying to sit up.

"Tch! Your lucky I did." He said and moved closer to me.

"It's bad isn't it?" I questioned fearing the answer. He looked away and tensed. I felt a pain go through my body. "AHH!" I cried as a whimper escaped my lips. His eyes winded and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Karin!" He exclaimed.

"AHH!" I cried again as a sharp pain ran through my shoulder. I felt myself being lifted into the air and arms wrapped tightly around me. I looked up and met those teal eyes. My body felt exhausted and I could barely move. I let my head fall against his chest. "Thanks, Toshiro," I said and my eyes fell shut.

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