The Freak Out

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"What is this?!" Marinette shouted at her mom, shoving an article in her face on her phone about Marinette being a princess. Normally, this was taboo but with the shocking news, she didn't care.
"It's, it's.." Sabine was speechless.
"Princess? Princess?!" Marinette panicked.
"I'll explain honey, just hear me out." Sabine ushered Marinette to a table meant for the customers. However, with the news spreading out so that everyone and their grandmas knew the news causing Tom and Sabine to close the bakery early.
"I just-I don't know what is this.." Marinette spluttered.
"Listen darling, what I'm saying is important so please don't interrupt me." Sabine addressed sternly.
Marinette took a deep breath and gave a head nod. "Please tell Mom."
Sabine scratched her head and closed her eyes and then looked into Marinette's eyes intensely.
"A long time ago, the empress of China had two daughters, your grandma and her sister. Out of the two offspring, your grandma was the only one who was able to give birth, even so, she was only able to have three daughters, not a son. I was the youngest and the throne was supposedly going to be handed down to Grandma after the empress dies but she went missing after a flight to an unknown destination. " Sabine stopped and she started tearing up. Marinette squeezed her Mom's hands sympathetically. She's never seen her mom cry so Marinette knew immediately that the subject was sensitive. Sabine mouthed out a thank you and continued with her voice vulnerable and shaky, " So then the rest of your aunts died unexpectedly and then it was just me and princess Misa. But when I married your dad, it was too much of a disgrace towards the empress that I was rejected to be in line of her so it was just Misa. But now that she's dead, they are making you next in line Marinette."
"I-I don't know what to do." Marinette's voice was unsteady and weak.
"But with you the only one next in line, they are trying to protect you meaning that you will need to move to China. And I can't come with you." Sabine informed her daughter.
"Leaving? What?" Marinette shrieked. What about her parents? What about her friends? What about Ladybug?
"But you'll be safe and you'll be pampered there too." Sabine stayed optimistic.
"I'll be excused." Marinette croaked as she went upstairs to her room filled with an abundant of thoughts. Bad thoughts.
She entered her room and locked it with a heavy heart. She pushed her back against the door and slid down to the floor.
"What am I going to do Tikki? I need to leave Paris and I'm a princess." Marinette sighed.
"I don't want to stress you Marinette but with Master Fu's rules, I need to inform you that once you step out of Paris, the Miraculous will be given to me and we will erase your memory so that the new Ladybug will be able to start soon." Tikki responded, not even helping her situation.
"Oh ok-okay." Marinette replied, hiding the stress and frustration in her tone of voice.
"I know Marinette, it's hard and this is the first time this ever happened in all my years!" Tikki comforted her.
A knock came upon Marinette's window before Marinette herself could reply. It was Chat!
"Hey." Marinette greeted glumly as she opened the window.
"Marinette, I heard the news." Chat blurted out as soon as he went inside.
"Sad.." Marinette smiled half-heartedly.
"Shouldn't you be happy? You're royalty!" Chat argued.
"Friends family and-" Marinette stopped herself, she didn't want her identity to be revealed.
"And?" Chat continued.
"Nothing." Marinette bit her lip.
"I know there's something Mari. I've been visiting for the last month, I know you better than that." Chat persisted.
"You don't know me." Marinette grumbled.
"Tsundere." Chat smirked. Marinette faced away from him and gritted her teeth. Chat observed Marinette's physical actions and he just sighed and left.
"That wasn't very nice Marinette." Tikki lectured.
"He doesn't need to know my identity." Marinette protested. She turned her head to the window and saw Chat with his mouth hung low. Marinette exploded. He saw Tikki. She opened the window and pulled Chat by the cat ear in.
"Though I'm a princess, I'm still a superhero so I'm not playing good cop." Marinette hissed.
"Not another problem!" Marinette groaned.
"Shut down! Shut down! Shut down!" Chat didn't have epilepsy but he was shaking uncontrollably. Marinette was passed her not-good-enough-to-be-ladybug phase.
"Treat me like royalty Chat!" Marinette ordered as she sat on her bed. Chat stopped and started bowing unnecessarily and dramatically at the same time.
"You're doing it in a mocking way." Marinette scoffed the same time Chat said, "Found you HAHAHAHAHA."
Marinette slapped Chat in the face, "Don't take my position lightly."
"Yes ma'am err, princess." Chat stuttered. "Don't hurt me."
Marinette was about to attack Chat with a kick but she remembered the contradictions of being a princess. She froze.
"What's wrong?"
"A lot of things. Everything."

A/N this story seems so weird and odd, I don't really know if I should continue or not but I'll just do this story until chapter three and see if the storyline somehow works out. Hopefully you guys enjoyed and I hope you will be here next time. Feel free to comment or vote and thanks for everything!

Also shoutout to my friend Unicorns9876 story. It's crayzee amazing and if you haven't seen it, hurry up!

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