"Do it again" she ordered pushing us out of the house.

"Make sure you do some facial treatments" she yelled right before Nasreen drove off

I did love facial treatments but I wonder what Mamie is getting at chasing us from the house. We went to the salon playing a game of what ifs with our minds.

When we came back from the salon there was a young woman waiting to do our henna decoration, of course Amani was excited as she loves painting her hands.

"I go first" she squealed seating down in front of the lady stretching out her hands,

"I think I'll pass" I said walking to my room to take a shower but before I could Mamie found out and came to my room to look for me.

"What is it I am hearing young lady?" Mamie asked standing by the door with one hand on the door knob and the other on her waist.

"Nothing Mamie I'm just not in the mood for all of that" I said picking up my towel.

"Come on! It doesn't bite besides I want all three girls looking dashing... Fine do it for my sake" she said dragging me to where they were all seated,

"Make sure you decorate her legs as well" Mamie instructed the young woman,

Mamie was on the phone all afternoon ordering only God knows what, we were looking like Arabian princess by the time the henna Artist was done and Mamie showered her with a lot of money and gifts before she left.

It was then I remembered that I haven't packed a single thread all day " Ohh Allah where am I going to start from... I can't even tell Mamie we are leaving today, I hope he did" I muttered under my breath

I went to my room and pulled out my boxes but most of them had a lot of clothes in them, some I haven't even used. I sat down on my bed hopelessly wondering how that of my closet would fit into those boxes.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number, luckily it was answered after the third beep,

"Wow! Its been long since you called me...are you okay?" He asked teasingly,

"Well I am having some trouble packing my stuff" I replied bluntly

"Do you need my help?" He asked

"Oh no! I was thinking maybe we could postpone until arrangements are made" I replied.

"Ohh noo noo no, just take what you need that's all" he said

"You are so not fun... I hate you!"

"I love you too" he replied before hanging up the phone.

I smiled a bit leaning back onto my bed, I really hated packing, back home I always had someone to do it and even when I went away to school I had Amma to do it for me.

I sat up to proceed when Mamie came in to the room

"Are you looking for something?" She asked looking at the mess I made but before I could come up with an answer she continued,

"Come on you can continue with that later, let's soak you in some lavender and Jasmine" she said holding my hands

I didn't argue I followed her to her room were a steaming bath tub was ready just for me and I could smell the scent from a distance. "Just what I needed" I muttered.

I came out of the bathroom and Mamie gave me a scented body butter to rub on and some of her most treasured khumra... The "Dan ganin Sunusi Lamido" as we named them because she never let's anyone go near them.

She brought out a new peach and red lace specially sowed for me and when I tried them on they fit just right after that Maryam came in with a kasko in her hands for the bakhur and the scent was mesmerizing.

So much for no formalities Mamie had a make up artist waiting for me in her living room... I couldn't even recognise myself when she was done with me. The last time I looked this good was for my Kamu.

Mashaa Allah I was looking great, Mamie adorned me with the most beautiful gold jewelry I have ever seen and then the silver laffaya perfectly although it was a bit uncomfortable I was loving the look.

I wore my mother's wedding present which was the gold bracelet, I sat alone with Mamie as she preached about endurance and patience and then I was taken to Abbah's living room for his own words of wisdoms.

He sat in the living room dressed in a white kaftan, he was looking so handsome I kept piping through my covered veil.

After some water works (crying) I was taken to the car were I sat in the back with Mahmud,

I begged Amani to come with me but Abbah wouldn't have it. The second car had some boxes while the third had lots of food warmers and trays I began to wonder whom we were going to feed.

Our parting was a very emotional one, it felt as if I just got married and was leaving home for the first time.


Alhamdulillah! This is so far the longest chapter I have ever written, do enjoy.

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