New Friends

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There was just so much to do when I got to my chair considering the fact that I have been absent for almost a month. I was half way through in no time because it was something I enjoy doing. The call for prayer on my phone alerted me of how much time had gone, I went into the bathroom, performed wudhu and came out to pray. After the prayer I went straight to my desk to continue my work when my phone rang,

"Oh my Darling" I squealed answering Amma's call, I haven't spoken to her since the wedding so I have been missing her a lot.

"Guess what" Amma's voice came through immediately, she sounded too excited I couldn't wait to find out what it was.

"Come one don't torture me,you know how terrible I am when it come to guessing" I whined,

"Just try " she insisted

"Ahh Trey songz knocked on your door?" I replied nonchalantly,

" no stupid, my wedding date has been fixed, its in three months time" we both screamed at the same time, we spent almost an our trying to plan a wedding and I offered her all the things I didn't get to use, some bridal dresses I bought in Milan not to mention shoes and jewelry, she could have them all, I was too excited to care, Amma meant a lot to me.

There was a knock on the door shortly after the call had ended, it was the tall, dark and handsome Amin, all dressed in black, I wonder how he is always looking amazing and out of the ordinary gorgeous as if he has a stylist or something, the same Amin who has a huge crush on Nasreen I really hope those two end up together.

I ushered him in pointing to the chair opposite my desk,
"Hey miss Minal, I..."
"Oh on, just call me Minal" I interrupted

"Its way past our lunch break and you haven't been out of the office not even for a cup of coffee so I decided to bring your lunch here, it was then I noticed the box of pizza he was holding,

" oh that is so sweet, I really wanted to be done with at least half of the load on my desk before the end of the day, I totally forgot about lunch " I began to blab,

"Its better to have your lunch first" he insisted placing the box on the table,

"Well thanks, but I made a little something for lunch" I said bringing out the tuna sandwiches from my bag,

He looked upset for a bit, before his face lit up again, "I have an idea, why don't we both share our lunch, you get half of my pizza and I get half of your sandwiches" he paused,

I couldn't stop laughing, we were now a bunch of nursery school children during lunch break, but it surly was fun, we talked a bit about work before he left to his office.


I had just picked up the phone to call him when he stepped into my office with food like he always does, if not for Amin hunger would have sucked out the life inside of me as I always forget to eat until I get a certain sharp pain in my belly.

"Oh thank God you are here you are a life saver" I muttered as I pushed the files to the side of the table to create space for the box he was holding,

"Oh no I actually came in to give you the hard drive" he replied,

I actually thought he was being serious until I saw some sandwiches, I quickly grabbed them and took a bite from it, it looked appetizing and tasted even better than it looked,

"Where did you get these" I murmured as I took another bite of the heavenly sandwich, I haven't tasted anything like it, the last time I had a Tuna sandwich almost this good was in Greece.

"Those weren't really for you, they were from a friend" he pouted,

I ignored his statement until I was done having my sandwiches, but I still wanted more,
" is there any more left?" I asked without an ounce of shame,

"That was the last of it" he said standing up to leave,

"Well can I please have this same sandwich tomorrow?" I yelled

"I don't know, you can ask her yourself" he said wearing a fake grin,

"Quit the jokes man, I am serious" this time I was getting impatient,

"Fine! That's Minal's lunch, so yeah ,you can ask for it yourself, plus you will have to make it up to me for eating all of it" he said raising an eyebrow before closing the door,

Suddenly there was this feeling I couldn't bring to words, was I happy, angry I couldn't really say, what was going on between those two, how shameless, she even made lunch for him, I felt rather uneasy and distracted through out the day, I couldn't work properly. I kept trying to remind myself that I don't even like her, she is just another pain in the neck and I needed to get rid of her first, but then she is still my wife, and before anything is being finalised she should respect the fact that she is married and not throw herself at anyone who smiles at her.

That was how I argued and debated with myself through the rest of the day until it was time to leave the office, I had her wait a few more minutes until I rounded up a few things, and I gave her the silent treatment so she could realize she did something wrong but come to think of it, silence was the day to day thing between us, she didn't even understand that this time I was upset , she typed away on her phone through the 15 minutes drive home.

This was how things were going on between Amin and Minal, she was always laughing and smiling around him, showing him stuff on her phone, sharing here lunch with him, while I grew even more upset and had changed completely towards Amin. Minal was a different perons with Amin and a different person with Amin, she was really good at what she was doing but what amazes me was the fact that she never spoke about the divorce to Mamie at least so she and I could be free of what ever this situation of ours is, she could continue her affair with Amin in peace and I wouldn't have to care about it, not that I am starting to care about her or something.

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