10 - one of those self-centered whores ✿

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no. 10 - one of those self-centered whores


Mackenzie tucked a loose strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear as she opened the door. It was one of the coldest days of winter so far and she felt the cutting wind as soon as she stepped outside. Snow had fallen that morning so Mackenzie's boot's crunched on the freshly laid snow.

She quickly ran down her garden path and made it to Johnny's car. Mackenzie's mind questioned if she should actually get in and talk to him and face being hurt again but she took the risk.

"Hi," Mackenzie said as she sat in the passenger seat, she looked at Johnny who looked just as good as he did the last time she saw him.

"Hey, Mackenzie," Johnny waited till Mackenzie had buckled herself in before driving off.

"Hey," she said again making Johnny reply with another hello before both of them sharing a small laugh.

"So, I was thinking we might want to take a raincheck on the ice cream but I can offer you some hot coffee instead," Johnny offered after observing the weather.

"Sure but I want to know about Nadia now," Mackenzie said sternly, shocking Johnny a bit.

"What do you want to know about Kenz?" Johnny rubbed the back of his neck waiting as the lights changed to red.

"Who is she? Why did you kiss me if you had something with her?" she didn't want to face Johnny who was staring at her so she turned to look out the window seeing a couple walking in the snow together. For fuck's sake can't I have a happy relationship.

"It just came over me, I felt the need to kiss you," Johnny replied and began driving after hearing a beep from a car behind them.

"You just felt the need, it was just something to occupy you. That really helps, wow!" Mackenzie's sarcastic tone made Johnny whack his hands against the side of the steering wheel.

"No, it's not like that. Can I just drive in peace?" Johnny asked.

"Pull over."


"I asked you to pull over, I don't want to do this," Johnny let out a sigh but did as Mackenzie asked.

They sat in silence, Mackenzie picked at a hangnail for a while until Johnny spoke making Mackenzie slightly jump, "What did you want to know?"

"What's going on with Nadia because I have no interest in getting to know you if you're going to date me and her at the same time," Mackenzie finally turned to face him and once again she got lost in his eyes which she shouldn't be doing.

"I didn't want to end things with Nadia because I wasn't sure if we would actually last," Johnny replied, this time it was his turn to look away and once again rested his hands against the steering wheel.

"What do you mean we wouldn't last. I wasn't going to go out and kiss someone else," she then remembered what she did that contradicted those words. "Well, I did but I wasn't going to do that if you hadn't kissed Nadia and stood up for her when we were arguing."

"Yes but, there's a thing with girls like you-," he got cut off by Mackenzie who was getting even angrier than she had been before.

"Girls like me," she scoffed. "Just because I do pageants doesn't mean I'm those self-centered cheerleading whores you see on the screen."

"I never called you that," Johnny's voice became quieter than before but Mackenzie's raised.

"Then what are you calling me Johnny?"

"Girls like you, I don't think I have a chance with. I've watched you all through my life when I was meant to be watching my sister, I would wait till you got onstage, I would want you to win and I always thought you were the prettiest girl on the stage. I kept Nadia because I didn't think I would ever find someone like you that would want to be with me. I broke up with her when you texted," he finally made eye contact with Mackenzie who looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry John, I was meant to hate you, I hated you two weeks ago but in that time that I realized what I did and seeing you at the show, I've fallen deeply for you and I'm just finding it hard I guess to admit it."

"Just kiss me," Johnny pulled Mackenzie closer and pressed his lips to hers. Like last time, as he kissed her, the world fell away. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. Mackenzie ran her fingers down his spine, pulling him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the fast beat of his heart against her chest.

They broke apart at the sound of Johnny's phone ringing connected to the Bluetooth of his car.

"Take it if you want," Mackenzie said but it was before she saw the name, Nadia. She moved away and raised her eyebrows. Of course, of course, she rings.

"It's fine," he pressed decline but the mood had been broken. If it had been anyone else Mackenzie could have laughed it off before pulling him back in for more.

It popped up with one new message. "Listen to it, I don't mind. It could be important," Mackenzie let out a small smile.

Reluctantly Johnny pressed the listen button and Nadia's voice filled the car, "Hey Johnny, I was wondering when you were done with your mom so I could come round. I love you, bye."

"Your mom Johnny, your mom seriously," Mackenzie's voice began to fill with the spite as she then imitated what he said before. "I love you, you're the prettiest one there, I dumped her. Try I'm a player."

Mackenzie tried to open his car door but it was locked, "Unlock it, now."

"It's freezing, I'll take you home," Johnny said not even trying to object in what Mackenzie had said.

"No, let me out," Mackenzie insisted and when she saw John not move she rolled her eyes and slammed the car window, raising her voice so she was shouting, "Someone help, I'm stuck in a car with a bullshitter!"

"For fuck's sake Mackenzie, everything has to be dramatised," Johnny unlocked his car and she stepped out, however, she hesitated when she was about to slam the door.

"I love you Johnny Orlando but I'm afraid as hard as I try, you can't love me back," instead of slamming it like she intended she softly closed the door and began her walk home letting the tears roll down her cheeks with a beep of a car horn in the distance as Johnny lay his head on the wheel.

"I love you too Mackenzie Ziegler."


[word count; 1162]

thanks so much for reading this, it's surpassed 2k reads that means a lot and thanks for putting up with problematic jenzie that need to get themselves together. xx

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