"Well? Let's go!" James and Peter happily left the building with Lily and Remus following behind them at a slower speed. Sirius followed behind all of them slowly, almost regretfully. Lily, after helping Remus, climbed into the back of the van after him. Sirius then lept up into the back too, laying down next to Remus and putting his head in the werewolf's lap. 

"Sirius..." The dog let out a small whine at his name but made no effort to move. Remus sighed and ran a hand through Sirius's shaggy fur, his stomach clenching at the familiarity. James started up the van and drove off. Remus rested his head on Lily's shoulder and continued petting Sirius who was licking his other hand. Why couldn't Sirius always be this way? Why did he have to treat Remus like he was a walking disease?

It wasn't long before the dog fell asleep, his head still resting in Remus's lap. "You miss him, don't you?" To his surprise, the question hadn't come from Lily, it hadn't even come from James. Instead, it was Peter who asked the one question the other two couldn't bear to ask him. Remus simply sighed as his first response, continuing to run his finger's through his fur.

"Yeah, I do. How could I not?" He admitted. "But it doesn't matter. It's unrequited. So as long as he's my friend I'll be happy." Lily rested her head on his as a show of comfort, and he could see James frown in the mirror. He wasn't quite sure about Peter, he always looked scared and right now it was no different. "I'm just scared."

"Scared?" Lily repeated.

"Yeah. I don't want him to continue treating me like I'm the bane of his existence. But... I'm also scared that if he does stop treating me that way I'll fall in love again and it'll all go to hell." Lily lifted her head and instead ran her fingers through his hair.

"Don't worry about that now, Moony," James said. "Just focus on something else. Everything will be okay, everything will turn out in the end. I promise." Remus just glanced over at James warily. Aren't all promises meant to be broken?


Later that night after a lot of sleeping on all of their parts, Lily decided that she wanted to take Remus around the city. Just on a nighttime walk around the immediate area surrounding the hotel. James was hesitant to let them at first, but after reassuring James that he had no interest in girls whatsoever, he was far more willing to let the two of them go on their own. James was, naturally, also worried about Lily and her safety, so after she rolled her eyes and reminded him she was going with a werewolf who was obnoxiously strong, he gave in completely.

"So, was this just a walk with a friend or did you have an ulterior motive for dragging me out here?" Lily flashed him a cheeky grin and tossed her jacket around her shoulders, leading the two out of their hotel room.

"Aw, Moony! You're getting to know me so much better already!" She cooed teasingly. Much to his relief, she didn't say anything until they were at least a block away from the hotel when she all but demanded to know the rest of his story with Sirius. Remus should've known this was why, especially after today. He kind of did, but he certainly didn't want to think about it.

"No," Remus replied flatly. He was suddenly a lot less enthusiastic about this walk with her than he was just a moment before.

"Why not?" Remus didn't reply, he just ducked his head shyly. Truthfully, he didn't have a proper response to this question other than he just didn't want to talk about right now. So eventually, he just told her the truth. "Why don't you want to talk about it?"

"What is this? Twenty questions?" He snapped. She rolled her eyes, unphased by his harsh tone.

"It will be if you don't tell me what happened. I want to help you, Remus!"

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