"We are very proud of her" my father says "Have you found a suitable mate for her? Such a powerful female should have a male to match, their offspring could change our kind with the strength it could possess being from two Alpha borns" the King says "We are hoping Alpha Magnus may be her match but they've only recently met" my father replies as if Magnus will be my mate anyways.

"That would be a very strong pairing, congratulations Magnus" the King's words have me swallowing nervously, my eyes trying desperately to stay away from Thaddeus as I feel him staring at me, I can almost sense his rage from his father's words as if my mating with Magnus will happen.

There are two sharp knocks at the door before Magnus' beta Abel steps in with a pup bouncing happily in his arms "Your Majesties, Alpha Magnus, Alpha Klaus" he bows to the higher authorities in the room whilst the pup gurgles, wiggling around until Beta Abel is forced to release the small male who quickly waddles away, running to the group of wolves with an excited squeal.

The King reaches his hand out to ruffle the pups short blonde curls "I apologise for being late I have been thrust into grandpa duties" Abel chuckles but his stress is clear "Caleb come here, sorry your majesty" he starts towards the pup but the King waves it off "No harm done Beta Abel, I am fond of pups it reminds me of mine when they were younger though they were a lot louder" he responds as Caleb toddles over to the Queen who smiles towards him as he continues mingling with the Royal family.

"Isilee could care for your grandson for the duration of this meeting, she is a natural with pups" my dad says but I see his glance to Magnus who looks towards me sizing me up to see if I would be a suitable mother for his own pups.

"Would that be okay?" Abel asks "Of course I love little ones" I respond politely but glad to escape this room and get to cuddle an adorable pup rather than sit here feeling suffocated as I am unsure as to what I should be feeling; betrayed by Thaddeus' lies or sympathetic?

"Thank you" he says "Caleb come to grandpa" he bends down with his arms open towards the pup who's now by Thaddeus entranced by rings on his fingers, but he hears his grandpa and looks towards him before squealing and running off giggling believing it's a game.

I stand up to catch him but Thaddeus is already after him and tosses him in the air, catching his little body and tickling his belly making the pup laugh hysterically. I walk over as I notice Thaddeus standing still, eyes watching my approach, the pup seems to copy him. I wave to Caleb "Hello puppy" I coo, he gives a smile with only a few teeth and he holds his hands out to me in a grabbing motion "Up, up" my heart melts at this pup but also at the softness I see in Thaddeus' eyes as our eyes meet.

I reach for the pup, my hand brushing Thaddeus' chest as I scoop up Caleb "Thank you, your highness" I say bowing my head before turning back around "Here is his bag, there's everything you'd need in there. Thank you Isilee" Abel says handing me the large shoulder bag full with toys, nappies and extra clothes.

"You're very welcome, we'll just be in the other room" I say with a smile and leaving with the pup sat on my hip.


I stare out the window trying to make sense of the day's events but I'm still unsure how to feel, Thaddeus isn't who I thought he was but I am more concerned with the matter of if he will make me his mate like he promised. How can he when I'm a wolf and he's a royal lycan?

Just like our argument from two months ago the same words come to mind: if he really loved me I would already be his mate no matter of titles or status - I wanted to ask him, get his answer instead of silence.

An unfamiliar lycan scent is at my door as two knocks sound, I cautiously head towards the door and upon opening it I recognise the lycan, it is one of the males that had interrupted mine and Thaddeus' argument.

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