Part 6

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Jude walks downstairs while the family is eating lunch.

"Guys I've got something to tell you" He announces.
"What is it sweetie" Lena asks.
"All my life I've known I was different than everyone else but this kind of puts it over the top, I'm only 13 but I think I already know I mean most guys like girls and everything about them but I don't and I used to think that's the natural way to live life but gay people like you guys think that liking the same sex is natural and now I do too because I'm gay."
Callie rushes over to hug Jude super tight as he hugs back, "Oh my god I love you Jude."
She whispers in his ear, "I told you, you were gonna figure everything out, you're one of the strongest people I know Jude."
The rest of the family joins them in a hug
"Aww Jude we all love you no matter what" Mariana tells him.

Later in Jesus and Jude's room...

"So how did you figure out that you were gay" Jesus asked Jude.
"There is this guy I'm in love with" He responded.
"Oh is it Connor?"
"Yes" Jude told Jesus.
"Oh if you need any help let me know ok, I love you Jude."
"I love you too Jesus, goodnight."
"Goodnight Jude"

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