Part 2

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You and Connor Stephens are now connected on Messenger

Connor: Hi I'm Connor

Jude: Hi I'm Jude what's up

Connor: Nothing just talking to you

Jude: Yea but why would you do that?

Connor: I read your profile description, I'm so sorry you had to go through that 7 foster homes in 6 years sounds terrible and you got beat by someone named Pearson I know that guy he used to be a family friend.

Jude: Wow ok... thanks for making me feel worse than I already do about my crap life, I don't have time for this goodbye Connor.

Connor: Sorry Jude wait send me a picture of you.

Jude: (Image attachment) Here why did you need it

Connor: Because I wanted to see if I knew you from school because you seemed familiar and yea I know you but we've never really met.

Jude: Oh cool send me a pic of you so I can know too.

Connor: Alright here (image attachment)

Jude: Oh yea I know you, your Daria's boyfriend right? The most popular girl in our grade.

Connor: Yes we sit together at lunch with her best friend Taylor, wanna sit with us tomorrow.

Jude: Sure sounds fun, wanna get to know each other?

Connor: Right Now?

Jude: Yes

Connor: Alright I'm Connor Stephens I love with my dad while my mom lives in L.A., I'm in 7th grade, my favorite color is green, and I love music. Your turn.

Jude: Ok, um.... I'm Jude Jacob/Adams Foster, I've Been in 7 different foster homes in 6 years, I have two moms, I'm In 7th grade, and my favorite color is blue.

Connor: Wait.... you have two moms?! So like...... they're lesbians?

Jude: Yes is that a problem?

Connor: No not at all..... Actually I think it's pretty cool.

Jude: Awesome well it's late gtg to bed.

Connor: Yea same goodnight Jude

Jude: Goodnight Connor.

-Jude's POV

So Connor seems like a really good friend I'm still not sure about the situation I see him at school all of the time and I've always secretly thought he was hot, so.... am I gay or am I not.

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