Chapter 1

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"Sulli.." he said while greeting me.

And when I say greeting me, I meant, hugging me.

"H-Hey.." I awkwardly say as I push him.

"Hey, don't you miss me?" he asked cheerfully.

"Soo-Hyun, no one would miss you." I said, walking off as he followed me.

"Ouch. What a rough thing to say to a childhood friend.." he said, pouting.

"Ugh.. childish as always." I said ignoring his act. "Grow up already."

"I did grew.." he said, continuing to pout. "But kidding aside though. Did you miss me?"

"No. I mean, I would.." I started. "..but I can't miss you if I always see you almost everyday!" I shouted.

As usual, he laughs his heart out. "So, what you meant to say was.." he said while looking at me intensely. "You got fed up on me?"

"No, not really. It's more of um.. I'm tired of seeing your face everyday." I said straightforwardly.

I know it's a rough thing to say, but.. that's how I feel. But I'm glad that I have a friend who I can trust like him. And maybe that's the reason why I'm pretty blunt sometimes..

He didn't say a word, then trails off. I just sighed in belief.

"You took it pretty hard on him." his classmate says, patting me on the shoulder.

"I don't want anyone touching me." I said, glaring at her.

"See? You've been always rough on everyone, especially your own childhood friend." she said, reasoning with me.

I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

Remember when I said that I just couldn't trust anyone anymore, except my parents? That I couldn't trust anyone my friendship? That I look at them as strangers who just needs something from me? That I despise all of them? That I hate them? That they were all just the same?

Well, that perspective of mine never changed for the past year I was in this school. I was always cold at them when I'm speaking.

When I was enrolled to a new school, this school, I was already aware of my surroundings. But I never thought that Soo-Hyun would be in the same school as I am.

He was already studying here in Hanyang University since he was a kid. Even though we were childhood friends, I still didn't know little things like this about him.

I was so surprised to see him in the hallway on my first day here on school last year. Our classes are just next to each other. We would talk sometimes, eat sometimes, or even walk home together.

It was a really normal thing to do. Our houses are just a few blocks away. So, I wouldn't mind walking side by side with him.

That year was pretty tough for me because I'm a transferee. They said that I shouldn't get the highest position or on the top because I'm new at their school. And to top their most smartest student in the campus would be frankly rude of me.

And sheesh, what the heck was that? Is that even one of the policies in this school? To be honest, would you think that topping their most smartest student is school is rude? Or would you rather agree with me that they were just embarrassed because a newcomer like me, topped the whole school?

I'm not trying to be boastful or anything, but I did topped the whole school because I studied really hard to achieve that. I wouldn't be in this place if it weren't for my brain and abilities. It was all purely me and my good work. Not to mention, but my parents did most of the helping too.

2 Years Older Than Me (based on a true story) MinSulHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin