Close Call

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I suppose that’s when it all started really. No matter what happened, I always saw cheating as something that I would not, could not ever be capable of. And yet, there I was, seeing two girls at the same time, simply because of my inability to make a decision. But hey, Samantha did it right? She  was seeing me, while dating my brother simultaneously!

Granted, that would seem rather messed up to  anyone who didn’t know the whole story, but still. I loved both Samantha and Christina equally. Or so I thought. . .

"Are you okay Zack?"

I looked up to see Samantha sitting across from me. She was beautiful of course, but for once, that wasn't the most important thing on my mind. We were at the movies.
Risky I know.
But I couldn't just keep coming up with excuses not to go.
Sooner or Later Samantha would definitely know something was up.
So yeah I agreed.

"Sorry. . . I dozed off there for a while, I'm fine".

And I gave her my most reassuring smile.

"That's cute''. She replied.

I let out a small laugh, and I only hoped she didn't sense the nervousness that lurked behind it.

Truth is, I was terrified!

The movies?


I was way too exposed and
Way too easy to identify.
Of course I made sure to come up with an excuse for Christina, but still.
If anyone spotted Samantha and I together, who knows what could have happened.

Afterwards Samantha and I went to grab some
Mc Donald's;
After all, what would a trip to the movies be without junk food?
Samantha stood up suddenly and told me that she needed to use the restroom.

" Okay no prob".
I assured her I'd still be there when she returned.

"I already lost you once Zack, I won't let it happen again".
She replied in such a serious manner I couldn't help but laugh.

" You won't, I promise".

Another lie

She left, seemingly satisfied with my answer.
I got up and went outside for some fresh air, I don't really do well in crowded spaces.


I froze.
I would be able to recognize that voice anywhere.
Holy shit, Christina!

I turned around and almost had a heart attack.
Christina was approaching me and I could see her friends behind her.

She stopped right in front of me and I immediately switched on the act.

" Babe".
I replied as I kissed her a little too nervously.

Of course this would happen to me.
Thousands of people cheat everyday and never get caught.
But the moment I start, I mess up instantly.
Good job Zack.

"Hey there, I'm happy to see you too.
But what are you doing here? Didn't you say you were gonna hang out with the guys?"

"I did, but Justin suddenly had an urge for some junk food".
I lied.

" really I would love to see the guys where are they?"

She turned around and as she tried to go inside, I grabbed her hand. "Wait...wait Christina. I've been with the guys all night but since you're here, we can spend some time together after all.
Let's go somewhere quiet.

"Yeah you're right".
She told her friends  that she'd  meet up with them later, and I took her hand and led her all the way to the farthest side of the mall (farthest from Mc'Donalds at least).

"So her we are, all alone". She said as she smiled at me.

I still remember the knife that went through  my heart at that moment, the incomprehensible  pain and weight of my lies.
I wanted to tell her everything  right then and there, but at this  point  I was in too deep, to swim back up.

Little  did I know that I was running out of oxygen. . .

I kissed her then and told her how happy I was to see her;
And despite everything I truly was.
Here was the girl that made me fall in love again.
Made me forget about "her".

We talked for a little while longer then, and all the while my thoughts went back to samantha. Where was she now?
Did she notice I was gone? Maybe.
Was she searching for me? Hopefully not.

At last for what seemed like an eternity, our conversation came to an end and Christina had to get back to her friends.

I kissed her goodbye and hurried  back to samantha. She was sitting  at the table looking rather lonely.

"Where were you?
She sounded hurt and faintly mad.

"I ran into some old friends and they took up more of my time than I  originally  intended I'm  sorry".
I lied as sincerely as I could (probably  because  I really did feel guilty deep down).

She got up and hugged me then.
"Don't you ever do that to me again, I thought you left me".


Samantha let go of me then, and as I looked at her face I could see myself  mirrored  in her eyes;
And I never felt more disgusted with myself.

I suppose this was an enormously close call.
But apparently somebody must have been watching  over me, for me not to get caught.

I saw something else in Samantha's eyes too, but that was probably my imagination. . .

SamanthaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang