Closing Curtains

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I went to see Samantha the next day. But when I arrived at her apartment I could see my brother's car parked up front, and I became frustrated. I decided to leave, and promised to try again some other time.

That time never came . . .

The next couple of days weren’t much different. My brother was sticking to Samantha like a leech, and I was again reminded of the fact that Samantha did not belong to me.

At least, not yet!

I had no idea when it happened, but as time went on, the days kept getting longer and longer. I came close to giving up. And by the time thanksgiving had arrived, I wasn’t expecting anything extraordinary.

My family was wel known for throwing parties. And this time wasn’t much different. Friends, family, neighbours etc.

When I arrived downstairs my mind automatically registered the first person I saw;


She was as beautiful as ever and I refused to look her in the eye. “Maybe it's for the best”". I thought.

I avoided her as best I could and as the night was about to end I could feel nothing but emptiness growing inside of me.

I returned to my room and was stunned to find Samantha standing in the hallway. She looked at me with with a sad expression and started speaking.

“Zack. I’m really sorry about—”

She never had a chance to finish as I suddenly kissed her. All of my frustrations, and all of my worries pushing me to the brink. Still embraced in each other’s arms I opened the door to my room and we landed on the bed. I looked at her and felt a love stronger than any I had ever felt before.

“It’s alright,” was all I could say and she smiled.  

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. And for a moment it felt as if everything would be alright.

Saddly that moment never lasted . . .

Suddenly we heard a loud gasp behind us. And nothing could have prepared me for what followed. I saw my sister Rebecca standing in the doorway, hand over her mouth, and her eyes rapidly darting from Samantha to me in confusion.

“My God Zack. What did you do?”

It took a while before the situation sunk in. But once it did, everything became painfully clear all of a sudden. While Samantha and I were so caught up in our act of love, we completely forgot to close the door. We were just lucky someone else didn’t just happen to pass by. It was quite ironic that the one person that could understand me, would be the one to uncover my secret.

“Rebecca, wait.  It’s not what it looks like, I can ex—”

“I don’t want to hear it,” she interrupted, her tone threatening. “Because it looks like you’re sleeping with your brother’s girlfriend.”

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