Lord Winston uncrossed his legs and rose. “Your Majesty,” He bowed then he turned to leave. Before he took his leave, he turned back to the Queen one more time. “Should I tell the Duke Trescot about what was reported?”

Telling the Duke would mean that his attention would revert to the issue of his daughter being accused of murder and then he would hold off on the murder investigation of the king. It seemed likely and unlikely that would happen, but Queen Elizabeth couldn’t take that risk. She didn’t want to cause another wave of chaos.

“No. Keep this between us until further notice.”

Lord Winston nodded.

“And one more thing . . .”

“Yes, Your Grace?”

“How is the Lady Greer doing?” She didn’t really want to know because she already knew how her niece was doing. Elizabeth kept record of Greer’s movements ever since her mother died because it was her job to look after her family. When she wasn’t worrying about Alessandra, she kept a close eye on Greer. They had tea together a few days before the Christmas party in which Greer expressed that she wished her father was more involved with her affairs. She felt neglected, the same emotion that Alessandra felt from her father.

“She is doing well, I thank Your Majesty for the acknowledgement.” Lord Winston said. He was lying. He hadn’t even talked to her since his daughter returned from whatever damn trip he sent her on.

“Lord Winston, you and I were once family. Since the passing of my sister, I feel as though our friendship hasn’t been well taken care of. For that, I am truly sorry. However, as your Queen I don’t expect lies. You have not seen her daughter, my niece, in weeks and yet you avoid her at every turn.”

“Your Majesty, I—“

“Don’t speak, Lord Winston. I only wish for you to go see your daughter. I know it pains you because she reminds you of my sister, but she has grown into a fine young woman. You would know that if you spoke to her.” She sat back down, dismissing the conversation because there was nothing else to say, nothing else that needed to be said. Elizabeth wanted her former brother-in-law to be a father because being a parent is one of the best experience only a few could have.

Lord Winston didn’t say anything as he walked away. Though her words remained in his mind for the rest of the day.

“Allow me to escort you to the funeral, it would do me great pride that I shall stand by my soon-to-be bride as she says her final goodbye to her father, the King.” Prince Daniel said. He’d hoped not to push her throughout lunch and now that it was coming to a close, he wanted to leave with some hope that he’d impressed her.

“I would love nothing more, Your Grace—Daniel,” she corrected. “But I think I should be with my mother. I don’t want to leave her alone, and I am due to pay her a visit after this.” She hadn’t heard anything from her mother since she left and wanted to simply see if she was all right.

“Yes, of course. At the reception, I shall find you then.” Prince Daniel said.

“Yes.” She agreed.

Prince Daniel pulled the chair from under the seat so the princess could stand. Daniel had heard the rumors, but he wanted to be sure. He couldn’t believe that a woman as beautiful as Alessandra didn’t want to be touched due to a skin condition. He hoped and prayed that it wasn’t true, but when he moved to touch her, she shrank from him.

“I am sorry, Your Grace.” Alessandra said. This was what she feared. Coming in contact with him would only lead to his death; she knew this was too good to be true.

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