Part 5

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Arriving at Suzy's, you saw Dan snuggles up against the cats, Arin getting the cameras set up, while Dan and Barry were cuddling with the cats. As you walked through the door, Dan's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Hey Y/n!" Barry jumps up from the couch, cradling the cat in his arms. Dan laid on the floor; his curls spread out randomly on the carpet while one of the cats purred and laid comfortably on his chest. He looked adorable with the cat on him.

"Okay honey, I got the shit set-up. Are you ready?" Suzy nods, kissing Arin's cheek. Dan lazily gets up, setting the cat down gently on the floor. The cat ended up following behind him into the kitchen. Barry held the cat close to his chest and tagged along behind everyone else.

She gives the camera a test recording to see if everything looks good. So far, it is. Now the real rolling begins.


After spending 3 hours recording a video, you help Barry in the other room edit. Dan snuggled up in a blanket with the cat had grown attached to him on his lap. Dan rests his weary head on your shoulder while you help Barry. After a while, Dan passes out. Soft snores and fluttering lashes are the only response besides his slow breaths from Dan.

"Seems like Dan passed out." Bary breaks the short silence. You didn't notice until you look back over your shoulder to see him cuddled up on your arm with the sleepy cat in his lap. You smiled to yourself, "Yeah, guess he was that tired." You reply.

Arin walks in; he usually comes to check up on everyone every hour or so. You and Barry finally were done editing when Arin came in.

"Are you guys done yet?" He whines; Arin was tired of waiting to do something. Suzy was making dinner since Arin cleaned up the mess. "We just got done." Barry yawns.

Barry saves the video and turns off the computer. He then gets up to talk with Arin in the living room. You still had a sleepy Dan resting on your shoulder. You didn't want to move since it would wake him up; he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. You began to hum a song from Ninja Sex Party: your favorite song- When I Cry. Dan seemed to plaster a smile on his sleepy face while you hummed the tune for him. The vibrations were even more relaxing for Dan to fall asleep to.

"I know you're somewhat awake." You whispered, noticing Dan's eyes slowly open up to reveal his dark brown eyes. He whines, "I don't want to be." Dan closed his eyes, resting his mind and body again.

After a while, he fell back asleep. You still haven't moved; you began to scroll through your phone. Footsteps seem to sound like they were moving closer- you turn around to see Arin peer from inside with a smile. "Is Dan okay?" He whispered to you. "Yeah, just super sleepy- I guess." You reply, looking back at Dan.

Arin walks inside, sitting next to you. "You know, I've never seen him sleep so much before. Either he hasn't been sleeping, or maybe he's been upset recently." You shrugged your shoulders, "I thought something was off about Dan." You sigh, slightly resting your head on his.

"Remember back in high school when you would come over; we would watch TV and eventually you'd fall asleep on me like that." You softly giggle, "I remember that. The show you watched was boring." Arin smiled widely; it seemed so long ago that you and him were so close. After graduation, you moved away and studied abroad while Arin and Suzy carried on with their lives without you.


"Y/n, there's something I have to tell you." Arin dashed down the hallway to meet up with you and Suzy. Suzy noticed the topic was important, so she walked away to her car. It was after school, junior year. Your hair was shorter than it was now and your style was the complete opposite as it once was.

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