Part 2

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The day has come; your alarm was set early to get up and get dressed to look at least decent for the occasion you were attending. Hopping into the shower and putting on your favorite outfit and makeup (if you wear any), you begin to scroll through your social media to kill time until it was time to hop into your car and head off. You contemplated breakfast, but since you had time to kill, you made some eggs and hash browns for breakfast.  

A message from Arin popped on your phone. 

Egoraptor: Hey Y/n, good morning dude! Just to give you a heads up, I'm bringing my good friend Danny along- you'll love him. 

Y/T/N: I know who Dan is, you clod. Lmao. I can't wait to meet him, he's so fucking hot though- I'm jealous. I wish I could drown in pussy like that. 

Egoraptor: You'd be surprised in how much pussy he doesn't drown in. Lol! Driving to the place now, so I'll see you then!

Y/T/N: Same here, I can't wait!


Driving up into the clustered parking lot, there were tons of people you recognized and some you didn't. Some were outside chatting and smoking while watching their kids play with each other and run around in the grass. Parking your car towards the back, you lock it and walk out instantly greeted by an unfamiliar voice and face. 

"Y/N, HOLY FUCK!" A flamboyant males voice was overheard from the slight sounds of the city. You spin around to see a darker colored man; muscular and wearing rainbow gauges with snake bites. He pulls you into a tight hug, nearly feeling as though he was breaking your bones. 

"W-Who is this?" You ask; he giggles childishly, "It's Joseph, silly!" Your eyes widened, remembering the punked emo kid from high school who never dated a soul, nor talked to anyone besides your group of friends- since you accepted him. 

"Holy shit, you look so good. So different too! How's the family?" You question, having the obvious thought that should've stuck within your mind that he was gay. 

"Oh, my husband's inside with our daughter Amilee." He flicks his wrist, looking back behind him to watch a scrawny white male run up towards you both with a mixed child in his hand. The child was about 10 months old and was absolutely adorable. 

"Aw, congrats to you both!" You kindly strike up a short conversation before walking in to meet up with Arin. Walking in, the place blasted with music you haven't heard since high school and the lights were dimmed to the point you almost needed a flashlight to see. You make your way to the small bar where the bartender serves you up a drink. 

"Y/n! Over here!" Turning to your left, you spot faintly a lanky scruffy male alongside a chubby male about his height holding hands with a woman. As they walked closer, you recognized it was  Arin, Suzy, and Danny. 

"ARIN, SUZY!" You shout, pulling them both into a hug and holding the hug out for a few minutes before directing your attention towards Dan. You never looked up what Danny looked like, but you saw his face in a few episodes of Game Grumps and he was a gorgeous man with a smooth and soothing deep voice. His curls bounced off the top of his head when he would move around and he was regrowing his beard that had a slight hint of gray in it along with his hair. His smile never seemed to age though, and neither did his mentality. He seemed like a nice guy to be around, but actually being around him in person- he had the most positive vibes bounces off of him. Without even talking to him, his positivity overwhelmed everything around you and you enjoyed it. 

"Nice to meet you, Y/N- I heard so much about you and can I say you're so much more beautiful in person." If he was trying to flirt, it kinda worked. Flirting wasn't your strong suit and whenever people flirted with you, it made you feel uncomfortable and you never took the compliment, but something about Dan made it calming and comforting. 

"Thank you, you are too. I mean, uh- handsome, I'm guessing." Nervously you stutter out, you didn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of him, but it felt as though it was too late. 

"We need to catch up on so much!" Arin jumped in the middle of the small conversation you and Dan attempted to have; Dan was also very nervous. Dan hasn't been with a girl in two years and gave up on relationships unless he knew it was going to last, instead of fucking and leaving the next day. Usually, he was smooth and easy-going with the ladies- but either not being around women like he used to or something about you made him anxious. Suzy followed up behind Arin, of course. 

"We should leave this place and hang out somewhere less crowded and nicer than here," Suzy shouts over the loud music blaring through the speakers. 

"I agree, where to?" Arin asks you, "Shit, I don't know. Let's go to the Grumps place then, since I never been there and I would love to meet everyone!" And with that notion, you four walked outside and before you hopped into your car, Dan asked if he could ride with you- and of course, you let him. 


Arriving at the Grumps office, you were greeted by a blast of A/C from the vents above. Since the place was redone, it looked like a child's dream. Following Arin around with Dan tagging along, you see a small dirty blonde boy with fluffy and swerved hair next to a man who had dark brown facial hair and short brown hair. One male has brown eyes and the other had grayish eyes; they seemed to be watching anime. 

"Hey guys, this is my very best friend since high school- Y/n!" You awkwardly waved while the chubbier one paused Netflix. They both greet you with a smile; "The blonde boy is Ross and the brown haired boy is Barry." Ross had a certain smirk plastered on his face, which gave you the feeling he was planning something. 

"Hey Y/n." Ross flicked his wrist with a slight wave of the two fingers, almost like a salute. Barry stood up, dusting the slight popcorn mess off of his shirt. "Nice to meet you!" He shakes your hand with a big childish smile. After meeting the two lovely boys, Arin took you in the snack room with a mini bar inside it. 

"You've done a good job with the setup of the workspace guys." You looked around, finally sitting down close and next to Dan and Arin on the bar stools. Suzy sets everyone up with either Kool-Aid, soda, water, coffee, or tea. 

"Thanks, it took awhile to get everything setup too." Suzy sighed, taking a long sip of tea. 


As the day progressed, you got to know Dan more as he got to know you. You also caught up with Arin and Suzy and even told Dan funny and embarrassing stories from school. Dan seemed to enjoy the stories and the new inside jokes that were made. As it was getting dark, you decided it was time to head home. Hugging everyone goodbye, Arin and Dan watched from the front door as you jumped inside your car and drove home. 

"She's pretty cool." Dan sighed, looking up into the indigo night sky; stars just decided to pop up in the sky with a faint sight of lighter shaded clouds swarming around the bright moon. Arin glares over at his friend with a smile plastered on, "Do you think she likes you?" With a chuckle following after his words, Dan panicked slightly and playfully hit his friend's arm. 

"What're you talking about, I just met her." Dan shook his head, bobbing his curls everywhere. Arin ruffled up his hair, pushing his bangs back. 

"Doesn't mean you can't like her or she can't like you. She paid more attention to you today than anything." Dan backed out of the doorway, backing out of the conversation. Arin, still standing in the doorway smiled to himself and looks down at his phone. 

"Oh yeah, he likes her."

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