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(Chapter two)
A/N hello no ones here thats ok :)) every chapter has the name of the perspective ook bye -🐰

I woke up earlier than my alarm, I was starving all night. I ran down to see my sister on the couch sleeping...drooling...
"I can't wait to move out", I whispered to myself. I lived with my sister since who knows where my parents are.


I was 10 when I found my parents scurrying around the house with bags in their hands groceries... nothing special... Dad came down the stairs with 3 large suitcases he put them by the front door and quickly walked into the kitchen. My sister, 15 and that time, and I sat on the couch and watched them. They cane out of the kitchen, my mom fully stocked the fridge and took a jar full of money from the top cupboard. My dad took a box full of cans of food, then they both walked to the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked
"We are going on vacation for a bit", my mother replied.
I looked up at my sister, who was holding me in her arms, that was the first and only time i've ever seen her cry.
"The fridge is stocked there is a bag of money in the closet, make sure to pay the bills and go to the store if you need anything", my father said in a soft voice.
"Be careful! We love you", my mother said as she opened the door.
"Just go already!", my sister had a furious face full of tears.
My mother looked down and sighed walking out with my father locking the door behind then.
"I'll take care of you don't worry", my sister looked down at me with a smile. "Let's go wash up and get icecream..."
I smiled back " I love you..."

It wasn't long before my sister new the money we had wasn't go to last forever, and her 16th birthday was just around the corner. We celebrated her birthday with a picnic and two chocolate cupcakes. After that day she applied for as many jobs as she can get hoping that at least one hires her. And she ended getting a nice job.
-+=end of flashback=+-
Its been almost five years and i still haven't seen them. I truly love my sister and I actually joke around about moving out. I just couldn't, shes been taking care of me. When I was sick she would take care of me and herself. She paid for education. She wants to go to college, but she has been working extra hours.
I'll take care of her oneday... just like she took care of me... I smiled at her stupid head dug into the sofa and grabbed breakfast.

Fast forwarded lunch(same day she met Estrella)

I made a new friend guys I say sitting down at the table. We always sat at this day since...well...forever! It was small, perfect size for 5-6 people. Far from the other tables.
"What??? But you hate everyone..."
Its true everyone thinks im an angel and I love everyone, but I truly hate everyone! Except for my friends of course! I met a girl named Estrella, she seemed lost so i helped her. I honestly wouldn't help someone, but I don't know, why did i feel like Estrella was different... 
    I saw Estrella walking by our table, I called her over, introduced her to my friends, and we left the school to get lunch.

A/N Wow longer chapter than i thought goodbye for another year :))

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