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Jack's p.o.v

Me and Lauren split our ways yesterday morning. I went back back to my apartment and she stayed at hers. Last night after the whole group chat situation, we had a private talk over the phone and we agreed that she would move into my apartment seen as it's bigger. I said she could move whenever she wants and I'll sort out selling her place. She said she'll start moving her things when she gets chance because she's busy with brand deals this week.

Laur gets so many deals now; I think most brands have realised who she is and what talent she actually has.

She's not just an Instagram model anymore.

Last night I couldn't tell if she was drunk when she was talking about kids an getting married. Then she phoned me and I realised she was perfectly fine and she was being serious about having a baby. Not at all did I think she'd want to because of what happened before.

Maybe she really does want to be with me.


Hails- Have you calmed down now after yesterday Lauren?

Lauren- You lot think I was pissed or something don't you?

Jack- Yes

Lauren- Jack you know I wasn't. I was on the phone to you for two hours after that

Jack- No you weren't pissed

Briy- so you were being serious?

Lauren- Yes

Jack- No I actually think she's serious and thinking about it

Lauren- I am

Joe- Briy were you being serious?

Briy- Yes

Conor- Gee?

Gee- Yes

Jack- Us lads have got shit to think about😉

Lauren- Where's everyone else gone?

Jack- I think they've all gone off doing their things

Caspar- I'm here but I just didn't want to invade it all

Joe- Aren't you upset about Maddie?

Caspar- It was coming for a long time and everyone could see that

Briy- Where's Maddie now then?

Caspar- She's still in London but she just has other friends to live with

Jack- Did you argue?

Caspar- Not really, the feeling was mutual

Jack- It's probably a good thing, she was stuck up

Lauren- J you can't say that😂

Caspar- It's true

Briy- I've always thought that tbh and you can't say you don't agree

Lauren- 😂😂

Hails- Girls when are we going shopping for our things for our Holiday?

Briy- I can go anytime now

Gee- Same

Lauren- Girls I can't anytime this week.

Briy- Why

Lauren- I've got a lot of shoots with brands and one big one

Hails- Ooo what brand?

Lauren- Ermm😏😝

Jack- What brand Laur?

Lauren- This might come as a shock to you...

Briy- Is it a big brand?

Lauren- Yesss, massive

Conor- Can't be a deal with Jack then😉

Briy- Just tell us

Lauren- Victoria secretttsss😭



Jack- Congratulations babyy❣️

Hails- Omg you're joking?!💓

Conor- More like Victoria sexrets but congrats Laur!xx

Joe- Well done Laur😘

Lauren- Thankyouuu!❤️❤️

Lauren- They got in touch months ago and asked me to audition so I did and then yeahh...

Jack- As if you've been able to keep quiet from me😂


Lauren's not the only one that can keep a secret though.

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