Chapter 4

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Aye waddup guys :) School started sooo yeah........ sorry for not updating i kinda didnt want to continue. Also a bit of a rush pls do tell me if theres any error
"Sign here, please.." the worker gives the paper and Jin just absent-mindedly staring at the papers. It was Jin's written account of his life, his family, which school he enrolled, like his database. Clipped along with a card. The card has his ID photos, name, date of birth and such. But what takes his attention is there's a big rectangle with '3:00 p.m. June 28 20xx.' In it. His hands started to trembling, sweats begin to pour from his temple.


The worker just sighed and snapped Jin out of his dazing state, Jin takes the pen and signed on another paper the worker handed, "Thank you, Mr. Kim. And I'm sorry, good day to you.." he bowed and left Jin alone, who was still standing in front of the door. His hands still shaking and his face turned pale. He never thought that he will get this notice.

I'm gonna die tomorrow..

He quickly got inside, slamming the door close and leaning on the door frame.

B-be calm, Jin..y-you still had 24 hours to live..

Jin crumples the paper and the card, then throws it to the nearby trash bin. His breathing began uncontrollable, his mind is screaming, he can't think straight. He runs back to his room, grabbing his cell and calls his bestfriend that he got a death notice.

"Ki-ihyun its okay..."

Jin is staring at his script

"And also, about Jungkook..w-will you take care of him after Im gone?" ...n-no, I'm not going to tell him, how could I when I will die on his birthday tomorrow..?" Jin's eyes began to water, his tear started to drip from his chin. "Yes.. T-thank you, kihyun."

After finished his last conversation with his bestfriend, Jin wipes his tears and returns to gaze at the script, he thought about informing his directors and friends.

He thought again while recording the speech,

No, I need to make two farewells speech..

After Jin is done with all recording and saving the last one, he look at the time and hurriedly putting on his black hoodie. It's already pass half an hour since Jungkook's school has ended, he probably worried why his brother hasn't come. He rushed to the front door but stops and go to the bathroom, Jin saws his reflection on the mirror, he was a mess.

He washed his face and wipes it clean, it's better but his eyes are a bit swollen. He pats his face a few times, get it together, Jin. Jungkook can't know that you just finished crying. He pull out the glasses from his pocket and wear it, he needs the glasses to hide his swollen eyes. He took one last look on the mirror. Glad that it looks better, he was back to dash through the front door, locking it and began running to Jungkook's school to pick him up.

Jungkook is sitting on the school's front stairs, he keep staring at outside the school gate, waiting for his brother to come. A few minutes passes and he just remembered that he hasn't showed his drawing from yesterday, opening his bag, he took out the drawing, smiling Jungkook decides to show it to Jij later. Suddenly the paper swiped from his hand off-guard, Jungkook realized that Jackson snatch it away and began running and laughing, along with his other friends

Jungkook began to chase him, "Hey! Give it back!!" he left his bag on the stairs and began to chase Jackson in the yard. Jackson keeps running out through the gates, Jungkook stops. When saw this, Jackson stopped as well with their bully friends.

"What's wrong? Afraid?" he wave the paper on Jungkook's face, he tried to grab it but Jackson wave his hand away.

"Give my drawing back!" Jungkook yelled.

"Sure, catch me and I will give it back to you!" Jackson laugh when he took a few step back. Jungkook saw his feet almost on the edge of the different pavement road. He was told by his father to not go out from the school gates, he keep standing and not moving. His eyes keep looking straight at his feet and his legs trembling.

"What's the matter?! Come get me!" he wave the drawing few times and began to walk back with his friends laughing.

Suddenly Jackson back collides with a soft surface, he turned and saw the Man glaring at him from above. Jin took the drawing from Jackson's hand slowly, the bunch of bullies was felt threatened by Jin's stare. Jin kneeled down slowly and look straight at Jackson, suddenly he shouted,

"STOB IT, JACKSON!!!" Jin roars into Jackson's face, making the boy surprised and stumble back, sobbing, he then go back up and began to run away from Jin along with his friends who also scream in fright. Jin look back at them and sighed, he rubs his back neck and stood up. He approached Jungkook who already realized Jin has arrived to pick him up, he look up with watering eyes.

"I-I didn't go out from the gate, hyung..." Jungkook try to wipes his tears. Jin saw this, he hugged Jungkook tightly.

"I know, Kookie.. You make me proud.."

"Thanks for saving me, hyung..."

"Does this means it's time for the Superman go Whooshy Whoosh to the sunset?" he lift Jungkook up to the air on his arms and then began to spin around bit. Jungkook laughs and pretends that he's flying. Both of them laughing, Jin finally putting him down and tell Jungkook to grab his bag from the school stairs. Jungkook runs to the stairs, flung the strap on his shoulder and run back to Jin. They both walk back, Jin squeeze Jungkook hand slowly, smiling at his brother.

But his heart said otherwise, today will be his last time he picks up Jungkook from school. He kept silent, until Jungkook asking him why he wore glasses.

"Didn't Superman needs to hide his identity behind the glasses?" Jin chuckled.

"Ah, yeah. I forgot" Jungkook replied. Jack fix his glasses position with finger, he then looking at Jungkook's drawing. He saw how innocent and loving the drawing is, Jin try to hold back his tears.

Be happy, think happy thoughts, Jin.. Happy..thoughts.......

"You draw this?"

"Uh-huh. It's you, hyung, with me, walking back from school!"

"Yes, you got my hair perfectly drawn. May I keep this drawing, Jungkook?"

"Of course you can, I was meant to give it to you because I will draw more drawings for you from now on!" Jungkook began to swings his hands, moving it back and forth. Jin swings his hand as well, still holding on Jungkook's small hand.

Oh, Mark.. I'm sorry.

"Hmm.. I still like this the best."

"You never know!" Jungkook smile widely at Jin. Jin return the smile as well.

"Kookie.." Jin kept walking, his other hand started clutching at the paper.

"Yes?" Jungkook look up, but confused because he seeing that his brother is not looking back at him.

"Starting tomorrow, you can go out from that school gate.. You're allowed to go back home on your own.."

"Really? But.."

"Jungkook, please. You're a big boy now.. Tomorrow you're turned 8, so you don't need me to pick you up from school ever again."

Keep walking, Jin.

"But why? I wanted to keep doing this! Walk to school and go back with you.. I love you..."

Jungkook.. I love you too.

"Hyung...will be busy from now on..and can't always pick you up from school.."

"Oh..." jungkook bowed his head, feeling sad. "I understand.."

"I'm proud of you, Jungkook. How about we buy something for your birthday tomorrow?"

Hearing this, Jungkook began to tell Jin lists of toys he wanted. Jin happily told Jungkook that he will bought whatever Jungkook wants, it's the last thing he can do anyway. They heading down to the city and nearby toy store, while he let Jungkook choose whatever he wanted, he went to the restroom to wipes his pool of tears.

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