Page Two {Have you forgotten about us?}

411 12 6

Things to know:

H/c: Hair color


I tried to get out of the strangers grasp but I couldn't.

"Well well well look who we have here..." A voice said I sounded kinda familiar.

"It's the little dropout.." a different voice said ominously chucking deviously. Then the stranger took their hands from my mouth giving me the ability to talk.

"Who are you and why are you doing this to me!?!" I managed to choke out.

"Aww has miss Y/n forgotten about us?" The voice spoke obnoxiously. I instantly remembered the voice 'oh god no' I thought to myself.

"C-Clare!?" I yelled.

"Bingo Y/n! and you're not gonna get out of this one oh and I brought Micheal too just in case you try to escape" She spoke her bright blue eyes darting into my soul I tried to look away to avoid eye contact. I felt her hand harshly grip my chin making me face her as she stared at me.

"Never seem to look people in the eye huh...? You know I always hated that about you..." She said a bit angry. I was going to say something until I felt her kick me in the stomach. I quickly fell the the ground having the air knocked out of me. I curled up into a ball trying to cover myself my H/c hair falling on my face as I start to sob. Clare just looked at me and kicked me in the face making my nose start to bleed. I tried to take the opportunity to run but was stopped by Michael.

"You're not going anywhere." He angarly spoke harshly kneeing me in the stomach. I tried to move away as I started to cough up a bit of blood. My vision started to blur and I honestly thought I was gonna die until I saw a bright light coming from down the alley.

"SH*T WE GOTTA GO!" I heard Clare yell to Micheal and they ran like hell out of the alley. I was on the floor shaking, bleeding, and feeling terrible. I felt myself being picked up by some monster with fur? I couldn't really hear well but I heard faint yelling through the ringing in my ears. Black pricks started to blur my vision until I blacked out.

Frisk's P.O.V

After Y/n got up from her chair she waved me goodbye and left grillbys. Me and sans were just talking and making puns until I heard the door open. I looked back to see it was Toriel coming to pick me up to bring me home.

"Let's go my child did you have fun?" Toriel said to me holding my hand as nodded we started to walk out the door sans deciding to tag along. We walked down the street when Toriel stoped for a second she looked at me with a worried face but I just looked confused wondering why we stopped.
"Why did we stop?" I signed to toriel. Toriel walked a some more but then she looked worried again. I started to hear noises comming from inside the alley.

"Sans stay here with Frisk..." Toriel worryingly spoke and went into the alley. I looked up at Sans the white pinpricks in his eyes were gone. A few minutes later I saw two teenagers run out of the alley they looked like they had blood on their clothes. This just made me even more afraid 'What was going on in there...' I thought to myself. Then I saw Toriel walk back out with a human girl in her arms. She looked weak and unconscious as she got closer I realized it was Y/n the same girl we met at grillbys.

"We have to heal her quick!" Toriel yelled grabbing my arm. She started to walk faster going home.

"Can't Sans teleport us?" I signed to Toriel. Sans already heard what I said and held my hand teleporting us back home. When we got home I saw Toriel put Y/n on the couch and started to bandage and heal her.

Your P.O.V

I started to wake up on a couch I think. I was going to get up but was quickly stopped by the pain. I looked around the room to see a goat monster and the same skeleton from grillbys I managed to sit up and just looked at them extremely confused on where exactly I am. A few seconds passed until they noticed I was awake.

"Oh you're awake are you feeling ok?" The goat monster said. You just nodded your head dispite obviously not feeling ok and in pain. You were still kinda scared and confused not knowing where you were visibly showing it on your face.
"You ok kid? you look chilled to the bone" The Sans jokingly said. You laughed a little at the pun and tried to get up but instantly fell back on the couch in pain.

"Y/n should stay here for now she's hurt" Frisk signed looking at me worried. I'm surprised I didn't notice her in the room and that she suggested me staying only meeting me today.

"Well she is really hurt... I guess she could stay" Toriel said to frisk. I smiled at frisk but then started to feel a bit dizzy again and aventualy fell back asleep...

Authors note:

Sorry I took a bit to get another page out anyway here's a bad sketch of what Clare looks like maybe I'll draw a better one later but I did this one quickly trying to get the next page out.

Sorry I took a bit to get another page out anyway here's a bad sketch of what Clare looks like maybe I'll draw a better one later but I did this one quickly trying to get the next page out

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