Crystal's POV

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This is what she's wearing. Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll try to update as fast as possible.

Let's get on with the story.

Chapter 1:


I'm in a bad mood right now, why? 'cause of Bella, she's so annoying. We have to leave for Forks, Washington, because Bella wanted to go to dad (Charlie) 'cause she thought that Renee wants to spend some time alone with Phil and she's dragging me with her because she doesn't want to be "alone". So annoying.

I honestly don't know what's so annoying about it but Bella's face annoys me, so I'm irritated by everything she does. It's like her only talent is being annoying without even doing anything.

So you guys might be thinking who am I exactly and if you aren't then I'm going to tell you anyways. The name's Crystal and I was Bella's best friend and adopted sister but then a boy came along and she changed for the worse to get his attention and decided she was too good for me and ended our friendship, I honestly have no idea why she thinks that way, *sighs* but I'll tell you a bit about myself later.

"Crystal! C'mon we have to leave!" Bella yelled in her annoying voice from downstairs.

I groaned as I picked up my bag. I don't really have to take much stuff, I only have my laptop, some clothes (since, Bella was the favorite one, she got everything while I didn't. I understand that I'm adopted but still), my headphones which are around my neck and my phone. That is all I own, literally.

I walk downstairs with my bag, my heels announcing my arrival. I reached the door where Bella was being pampered and Renee was crying, I rolled my eyes, not really caring and looked away from them.

"Bella, you don't have to this." Renee said for what seemed like a thousandth time, I sighed in annoyance. "I want to go." Bella lied in her usual dead voice.

I could tell right away that she was lying, anybody could, she was a very bad liar and I can just read people easily, it's kinda like a gift but at the same time it's not, I don't know what it is but it's helpful.

"As much as I love you, we have to go." Phil said while carrying Bella's stuff. "Bye mom, Phil." "Bye Bells, call me when you reach there, okay? And say 'hi' to Charlie for me." "I will."

Bella and I walked to the airport, went inside and sat on our seats, I got the window seat, I mentally did a happy dance even though I was ignored by my "parents".

************** Time Skip**************

I didn't actually sleep the entire flight, my nerves kept me up. I was excited to see dad after so long. Bella, on the other hand had easily fallen asleep after a couple of minutes the plane had taken off.

I shook Bella up since we were about to land. Eww... I touched her... Now I need to boil myself in hot water.

The flight landed and we both walked out of the plane and towards the exit. Suddenly Bella spoke, "Don't try and get in my way at any point of time." I just looked at her with a deadpan/annoyed expression since she was the one always coming in my way.

I just rolled my eyes at her stupidity and said, "I have better things to do in my life than be involved in some useless piece of shit such as yourself." She just humphed and said, "Whatever." I rolled my eyes at the weak comeback, if you could even call it a comeback.

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