Chapter 2

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I grab my purse and storm off. I am sure mother is yelling at me but truthful, I couldn't care less.

I drive away, probably to fast but I couldn't stay there a second longer. Tears begin to fall down my cheeks, a waterfall by now. But I am driving too fast to pay attention. I have to go somewhere I can't keep wandering around forever. I do what I always do when I am upset: call Sam.

"Sam you there?"

"Oh hey babe, how did the baby shower for your bratty sister's ugly named baby?" She giggles, she always makes me smile. It doesn't last long because instead of answering her back, I return her questions with sobs.

"Hey honey, deep breaths. Where are you?"

"Just driving around." I can barely say anything between the sobs.

"Meet me at Spiceland."


I end our call. Spiceland is always known as me and Sam's favorite coffee shop. It's my safe place because none of my family knows I go there. I always I am just going out with Sam, it's works every time.

When I get there I already see her at our usual spot, a table right beside a window. The smell of the fresh coffee warms my heart and it helps the cute guy at the counter always smiles at me.

Sam is wearing jeans and a sweatshirt with our college logo on it. She has already moved on campus her parents are amazing and made sure she got there early. Unlike mine of course.

"Hey love," she smiles while taking me into her loving arms. Sam is beautiful with her , straight, coffee brown hair, and freckles. She is very short but she is very curvy, very breath taking. Despite her gorgeous looks she hasn't dated much.

"Hey Sams,"

"What happened darling?" Sam asks while we finish hugging and sit down.

"I drew Annabel a picture of her, Alan, and the baby for her present. Let's just say she took it 'so well.' She ended up slamming it down to ground, shattering the frame. I can't stand her. Alan tried to help me, of course, mother and father had to jump in." I just sigh, sometimes you just have to.

"She's being a bitch as usual. How did you get out of there?" Sam asks while taking a sip of her coffee, it's her Achilles heel.

"I yelled, called her a bitch, stormed out, and couldn't give a crap about what my mother roared while I was leaving." Wow that sounds pretty bad when you put it like that.

"Wow I bet your mother 'really' loved that." Sam laughs. She can't stand my family as well, she hates seeing how cruel they are to me. Sam has always been there for me, even when I feel so moody and emotional.

"Sam what I am supposed to do? I have to go home tonight with my family, which is bad enough. I have to move to college tomorrow, what about my major? What I am supposed to do?" I feel so upset Sam probably didn't understand a word I said. Ugh I am such a mess. She takes a giant sip of her dark roasted coffee before she speaks then she say:

"Darling, you can't worry about your whole life, it won't change anything. First thing is you go home tonight, deal with your bitch of a mother. Don't yell to much, remember you are moving tomorrow and you don't want her to force you to stay home from college. Then you text me tomorrow to help unpack and move for college. Oh and text Thomas."

"What about my parents? They hate your guts." I reminded her, she is best friend I could ever have. But she often forgets how my parents even hate the sight of her, which is why she wasn't at the baby shower today.

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