"You were so receptive, it would have been hard not to."


"Nobody ever encouraged me like you did."

"How did I encourage you?"  I frown, but with a smile on my lips as he seems to be happy about it, but the truth is I have no clue how I could have.

"From the way your body reacted, your moans, your hand in my hair, you saying my name, when you caressed yourself with my hand on your breast, it all made it so much more fun for me to know just how intensely you were at my mercy.  And you came so quickly..."

"Was I too quick?  Is it usually how it goes?"  I worry and hate myself to have said something like that.

"No, it was perfect.  It just means how excited you were.  I have never seen an orgasm hit a woman so hard before, you are still trembling."

So that's how an orgasm feels like?!   I definitely never had one of those before, well nothing near what I just felt that is.  If only he knew how wonderful he makes me feel inside.

I rush my lips on his and I am met halfway by his tongue welcoming my mouth moulding against his.  How I wish that this night would never end...

I step back from our kiss and snuggle carefully myself against his chest.  He feels awkward a second because his body is so tensed, but once he relaxes, he embraces me back and it feels very good.

"Thank you."  He whispers to my ear softly.

"What for?"  I respond and close my eyes, being so comfortable against the warmth of his embrace, my head nuzzled against his neck as his rests on mine.

"For trusting me... with your story... with your body..."

With my heart...


I wake up peacefully and happy.  I have slept like a baby and it has been a long time since I have.  It takes a small second to decide whether or not I want to fall back asleep or get up, but the idea to wake to Marcel is taking over me. 

I smile and stretch slowly as I open my eyes.  I slide my arm on the empty side of the bed next to me and look at it.  I crawl to his side and look at the time.  It's already past ten.  No wonder he isn't in bed.  He is so sweet to have let me sleep in. 

I stay between the sheets a minute more to snuggle against his pillow and take in his scent.  I can't believe a man as wonderful as he is has an interest in me.  I have never been in a relationship where attractions were based on similarities and interests as well as personality and not pure infatuation. 

With Steeve, when I changed my hair and with puberty, he somewhat got infatuated by me somehow and decided to protect me.  I wasn't used to the male attention at all.  It felt so good.  I was a virgin and I was tired to be one, so I didn't make any case when he took it.  We were making out and then, out of the sudden, he was inside me.  I don't really remember it.  Thinking about it now, he kind of raped me.  He didn't ask me if I was ready or if I wanted to.  He just did it.  It lasted maybe thirty seconds and that hasn't really improved with time, but that was all I was used to, so I contented myself with that.  I found pleasure where I could.  It doesn't even compare to what Marcel made me feel last night.  This whole sense of unity is new to me.  It wasn't lustful like it was with Ash.  I was very aroused by Mace, but it was more consuming than that.  It was wonderful...  I am almost scared that we will never hit another high like we did last night.

I sigh and get out of the bed to get dressed with the clothes I had last night.  I look quickly back at the bed and decide to make it, like he did with mine when he had come to Sophie's flat two weeks ago.

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