Is Today Really Normal or What

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(Y/n) joined the chat

B Medic joined the chat

B Spy joined the chat

B Sniper joined the chat

R Sniper joined the chat

R Spy joined the chat

R Medic joined the chat

(Y/n): I see you guys are still here on this chatroom.

B Spy: Of course, we decided to stay on this chat for awhile.

R Spy: Why do you have to stay?

(Y/n): Spy, be nice! You guys can stay in the chat, but you have to promise to not cause fights from here to in battle, that's all I have to say about the rules of the chatroom.

B Sniper: Don't worry your pretty head on us. We'll won't cause any problems on here.

R Sniper: Watch it mate, don't want you to become another Scout now do we.

(Y/n): Hey! He's just being nice. Plus I don't want another Scout, one on our side is enough for me. Also I can hear you growling all the away down here in my room.

B Medic: Who wouldn't want to be nice to such a sweet girl like you, all of us Blu's on here would agree on it right guys.

B Spy: Most certainly.

B Sniper: Of course mate.

(Y/n): Aww, thank you guys. I just feel like today is normal for once, cause usually I don't feel this relaxed and calm everyday.

R Medic: I have to agree with you, it's normal for once.

R Spy: Agree, I just don't want it to be ruined.

B Spy: You're right on that statement.

B/R Sniper: Indeed.

B Medic: Both bases are calm for once and no battles today.

(Y/n): Right after I log off I'm going to go meditate at the waterfall by the bases, probably it would help me go to sleep better instead of waking up periodically during the night.

R Medic: You need to get some more sleep.

B Medic: You need it, I could see the black bags under your eyes during battle.

(Y/n): I will you two. You don't have to worry about me much, unlike yourselves. You don't get much sleep like everyone else, unless your body is going to stress out and then shut down in exhaustion.

B/R Medic: Touché

R Spy: Well I'm going to go now, bye guys.

(Y/n): Bye, I'm gonna go as well.

R Spy has logged out

R Sniper: Bye (Y/n)

B Sniper: Bye (Y/n), get some well deserved sleep Shelia.

(Y/n): I will, don't worry.

(Y/n) has logged out

B/R Sniper: Bye mates

R Sniper has logged out

B Sniper has logged out

B Spy: Well I better go as well, bye you two.

B/R Medic: Bye Herr Spy, we'll leave as well.

B Spy has logged out

B Medic has logged out

R Medic has logged out

Chatroom closed

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