But Sam's grandmother, Ida, was like a grandmother to them all. She was the mind that would check on them during the night when they spent it at Sam's house. She was the member of the Manson household that accepted Sam for who she was. They especially loved her for how much fun she was. She would constantly challenge them to bowling matches and even when the rest of them looked ready to kick the bucket, she was still going strong.

          ''She sounds wonderful,'' Ma'gann smiled sweetly.

           The five nodded in response. They would be sad when she died and they all hoped she would come back as a ghost so they could see her again. 

            ''We like to joke and say that if she would become a ghost, she would have bowling powers,'' Tucker laughed.

            ''There is still the matter that we don't really have any record of neglect or abuse,'' Roy says.

            ''Way to be a downer, hermono,'' Jaime said.

            ''It is true,'' Roy argued.

              ''Well, I did manage to sneak this,'' Gar says, holding up his phone.

              Playing on it was a video of the argument between the Fenton adults and the twins. It ended a few seconds after Maddie slapped White.

             ''How did you...'' White couldn't find the words.

            ''He's going through a social media phase,'' Ma'gann explained. ''He doesn't go anywhere without his phone.''

              ''Garfield Logan, you are a brilliant young shapeshifter,'' Danny said, hugging the green thirteen year old.

              And once again, their moment had to be ruined by someone screaming bloody murder. From the girlishness of the scream and the fact that Sam was the most annoyed out of all of them, it was probably Paulina. Danny was so shocked that he dropped Beast Boy.

            ''Hey,'' he complained.     

            The two hero teams pushed their way through the crowd of students. On the other side of them was a portal. But the way it was opened, it seemed as if something had literally clawed a hole in the universe. Team Phantom lit up, knowing who was coming through.

           Out of the portal came their closest ghost friend, and the only one that still can't speak proper english, Wulf. Wulf resembles a large, muscular werewolf or anthropomorphic wolf. Wulf wore a worn green sweatshirt, with a hood that he usually keeps down, and tattered green pants.

            ''Wulf,'' Team Phantom cried.

           ''Miaj amikoj,'' Wulf cheered. Esperanto translation: My friends.

            The wolf ran up to Danny and started licking his face. He did the same with White. Green saliva was soon dripping from their faces. That all gave the werewolf ghost giant hugs.

             "Hey Wulf" Danny said laughing.

             "Wulf, vi finfine eliris de la malliberejo," White said, excitedly. Translation: Wulf, you finally got out of Walkers jail!

             "Jes mia amiko," Wulf said. "Mi nur eskapis kelkajn horoj de ago. Mi estis sur mia vojo al viaj domo al vidu se vi povus akiri ci tio kolumo ekstere mi denove." Translation: Yes mia amigo, I just escaped a few hours ago. I was on my way to your house to see if you could get this collar off me again.

            "Certe buddy," Danny said, turning to Tucker. Translation: Sure buddy.

             "Hey Tuck, can you get that collar off Wulf again," White asked Tucker.

              "I'll try," Tucker said, walking up to Wulf.

              Tucker took out his PDA and hooked it up to the collar. He then started typing things into his PDA till the collar finally came off.

             "Dankon vi mia amiko, dankon vi," Wulf cried. Translation:Thank you my friend, thank you!

            "Vi estas bonvenon," Tucker said, also speaking in Esperanto. Translation: You're welcome.

             "Mia amiko, mi devas akiri irante, Marsisto estas probable rigardante por mi kaj I ne volas li vidante vi," Wulf said. Translation: Mia amigo, I must get going, Walker is probably looking for me and I don't want him seeing you.

             ''Malmulta malfrue por tio. Ni jam estis tie kaj eskapis'' Valerie snickered. Translation: Little late for that. We've already been there and escaped.

              ''FREEZE, GHOST SCUM,'' Maddie screamed.

              She and Jack were aiming their guns at Wulf. That was the final straw with the twins. They tried to shoot Cujo, their parents, Ember, Lena, and Krinos. But Wulf was their best friend and they would not take those two trying to shoot him.

            ''That's it,'' Danny yelled, shocking the class. ''Krinos, their guns.''

             ''Of course,'' the lord of nature smirked.

              With a snap of his fingers, vines shot from the ground. They wrapped around the guns in their hands, pulling them away. Krinos guided them to Danny.

             ''Thanks,'' Danny smiled.

             ''Anytime,'' Krinos gave a thumbs up.

             Danny took the guns, one in each hand, and smashed them together. Jack and Maddie could hardly believe their eyes as their guns crumbled to the floor, only pieces of broken scrap metal now.

             ''Why did you...'' Jack tried.

            ''We've had enough,'' Danny yelled. ''Everywhere we went you try and shoot someone that nothing except appear. Newsflash, not all ghosts are evil. We have now had enough of this whole 'shoot now, questions never' thing.''

             ''Is we catch you trying harm one more ghost, mystic, or anything in between, you will spend the rest of your lives and after lives in the Phantom's Keep dungeon,'' White threatened.

              The threatening tones in their voices definitely got through, loud and clear. They turned back to their friend.

             ''Ni bedaŭras, Wulf. Ni renkontos vin ĉe la kastelo,'' Danny apologized. Translation: We're sorry, Wulf. We'll meet you at the castle.

             ''Vidi vin tie, miaj amikoj,'' Wulf says, then vanishing in another of his portals. Translation: See you there, my friends.

             Team Phantom then walked off with the heroes and two mystics. The entire class was in shock. Where those two really the ''losers'' they thought they were?






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