Don't Look Back In Anger (pt.1)

Start from the beginning

I felt sick to my stomach. The thought of Gavin sleeping with another girl just made me feel jealous and disgusted. And even if he "loved" me like my dad seems to think, he wouldn't be doing that with another girl. Now this was just one more thing for me to think about. I was a virgin but only because my mum got pregnant with me at 19 and I saw what that did to her. The only guy I'd ever thought about losing my virginity to was Gavin. But if he wasn't one and I was, I'd feel as if I wasn't good enough.

"Alex, did you hear that?", Leah nudged me out of my thoughts.


"Gavin said she's ruined all of his friendships and he's lost people he cares about like us, especially you.", Lauren filled me in.

I began to listen again.

"Well maybe it was for the better. They're in the past now and it's time you worry about your future."

"My future? You're not in it if that's what you're saying."

"Gavin, I don't think this is the best time to tell you but..."

"But what?", he asked crossing his arms.

"Listen, money at my house has been tight. So we can't afford some of things-"

"What the hell does this have to do with anything?"

"Like my birth control. And when we had sex a few weeks ago, I wasn't on it."

They both fell silent.

Lauren let out a small gasp. Leah and I were too shocked to say anything.

After a minute, Gavin began to speak again.

"I used protection."

"I know but I was late. I took a test and it came back positive. So I think I'm a few weeks a long."

"How are you so sure it's mine?", Gavin asked.

"Well when I slept with Tyler it was earlier on in our relationship", she paused. "I haven't been with anyone else since."

"And how am I supposed to trust you? You've lied and cheated before."

"Well remember when we went to Disneyland two weeks ago?"

"Yeah. So what?"

"That's the reason why I didn't get on any of the rollercoasters."

"Wendee, I have no doubt you think you're pregnant but I meant why should I have any reason to believe it's mine?"

"Because...I love you", she whined.

"Yup, I've heard that several time before.", Gavin said getting up and walking away.

He began to head for the door and we bolted back toward the lobby to the elevator. Sadly we had to wait for the elevator which bought them time to catch up to us. By the time we got on the next elevator, Gavin and Wendee were approaching. But luckily for us the elevator closed as soon as they walked up to it and I made eye contact with Gavin.

"Damn, that was a lot.", Lauren laughed awkwardly. "Wendee is possibly pregnant?"

"I doubt it", I replied mainly because Wendee is a liar and because I didn't want it to be true.

"But what if it is?", Leah questioned. "And what if it's Gavin's?"

I sighed. "Guys we really have to wait and see. For Gavin's sake, I hope it's not true."

"For Gavin's sake, huh?", Leah smirked at me.

"Yeah, Alex.", Lauren added. "How does it feel to know Gavin really did like you when he started dating her?"

"I dunno I mean, if he really liked me that much he would've been with me instead of her."

"But it sounded like at first he just wanted to make you jealous", Leah tried to assure me but it didn't work.

"No it sounded like he liked both of us but choice her over me."

"To be honest with you, Taye said he told her he liked you but didn't want to risk losing you if the relationship didn't work out.", Lauren revealed to me.

Honestly that made a lot more sense.

"Well why didn't you tell me that before?", I asked.

"Well I thought you could figure it out yourself. You guys have been best friends for years, so why would he want to potentially screw that up?"

"It's already screwed up now, so it wouldn't have made a difference", I mumbled.

We got off the elevator and began to walk to the room. I then remembered Gwyneth was supposed to stop by later on. She wanted me to keep my mouth shut about what she was trying to do with my dad so I figured she owed me a favor or two. If I could get her to talk to Wendee about the "pregnancy" we could possibly find out the truth.

"Guys, I have an idea.", I turned to Leah and Lauren who were to my left and my right respectively.

"For what?", Lauren asked.

Leah swiped her room key and we all went in.

I was sure this was going to work.

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