Chapter 1

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Once you open an Ouija board, there is no going back.

These words were playing in my mind on a loop.
After all that I had done, were we still in danger? Or maybe Hadley was just joking.
I really hoped for the latter.

I chose to ignore her words and rather thanked God for the fact that everything was okay.
I had my Granny and Grandpa. Mom and Hadley were fine and also they didn't remember anything that happened.

I am glad that they didn't remember all of that because at least they won't be mentally scarred for the rest of their lives.
Sadly, I had to live with these horrifying memories.
I wouldn't deny the fact that I was shocked when I came to know that I was adopted.
But this is my family and they have loved me more than anything.

Granny and Grandpa were supposed to leave the next morning.
I was helping Granny while she was packing her stuff.

"I'll miss you Granny," I said with a faint smile, rather a miserable smile...if that's a thing.

"I'll miss you too Lisa but we'll meet soon," she said.

I went out to see what Hadley was doing.
She was busy drawing something.

"What are you drawing Hadley?" I asked.
she didn't answer my question and her face was hidden by her hair.

I tried to have a look at the drawing.
There was a bed, a little girl tied to it.
There were three more people standing beside the bed.

The picture was shabby but I soon realised what it meant.
She had drawn a picture of the exorcism.

"Hadley, what do you remember about that day?"

She still didn't reply.
I patted on her shoulder and within a fraction of a second she turned her head to 180 degrees.

I was horrified.
Her eyes were red, face as pale as any face could ever be.
She had cuts on her face.

I was too shocked to say anything.
She walked up towards me, wearing that evil grin.
"Destroying my energy source didn't work Lisa? You tried well but who said that I have only one source of energy?

Bingo! Lord Voldemort is here with his multiple horcrux!

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